More actions for objectives

Explore objectives with More Actions found on the toolbar of the objectives grid:

  • Import Objectives: This option is currently disabled while we work on some enhancements to objectives and import functionality. 
  • Export Objectives: With the export option, you can store your objectives in one document. You can also use this option to email or review the data. The exported file is saved in the Excel format.
  • Progress By Objective: This report captures the status of the key objectives at all levels, including the blocked and in-progress items. It is especially useful for Portfolio Managers and Release Train Engineers to understand if teams are going to meet objectives and deliver the planned value for the specified PI. This option is available in the old navigation only.
  • Delete: Delete an objective if necessary. The deleted item is removed from all reports and views.
  • View Actions: The Objective Actions grid provides a list of open and closed meeting action items for meetings held via the Team Room, Program Room, and Portfolio Room. An action item, created during a meeting, usually identifies a discrete task that must be accomplished, by either an individual or team. The action items serve as a “to do” list, and should be driven to closure in a consistent and timely manner.
  • Action Items Report: The Action Items report provides a list of open and closed meeting action items for a specific program within a PI. The action items are entered for meetings held via the Team Room, Program Room, and Portfolio Room. This option is available in the old navigation only.
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