Work tree (theme group view)

About this report

The work tree (theme group view) report provides an overview of progress on all work items organized by theme groups, which are user-defined buckets/categories for grouping themes. Under the theme groups, the hierarchy starts with themes, then builds downward through epics, capabilities, features, and stories. Release train engineers and portfolio managers can use this report to track progress of all work items by theme group. 

To generate the work tree in theme view:

  1. Select Portfolios, Solutions, or Programs in the top navigation bar and select the entity you want to view information about.
    Note: Additional portfolios, solutions, or programs can be displayed after navigating to the page using Extra Configs.
  2. On the sidebar, select Work tree; the work tree displays.
  3. In the Tree View dropdown, select Theme Group View; the report displays in theme group view.

Data on this report can also be shared by creating a screenshot using the Capture button on the top right of the page. This will create an image in a browser pop-up.

Under Extra Configs, use the additional filter options, such as Theme, Theme Group, Epic, Category, or Feature Customers to refine your results. Tags are also available for filtering. You can optionally use the Extra Configs to select one or more portfolios, solutions, or programs to display on the work tree.


  1. PI must exist in the system and be tied to a program. 
  2. Theme groups must be created and tied to themes. 
  3. Themes must be created and tied to a strategy and theme group.
  4. Epics must be created and tied to the PI and a theme. 
  5. Features must be created and tied to the Epic. 
  6. Stories, with point values, must be created and tied to features. 
  7. Capabilities are optional (setting must be turned on for the portfolio; will be an additional layer between epics and features), and can be tied epics. 

How are report values calculated? 

Expandable drill-down list/hierarchy of work items

Expand each work item in the list to show child work items. For example, expand a theme group in the list to see its child themes.

In the work tree, themes under a theme group are ordered based on the global rank, meaning themes are ordered relative to all themes, regardless of PI. Epics under themes are also ordered based on the global rank. All other child items are ordered based on the rank under their parent and this order matches the order set in the backlog. For example, capabilities and features are ordered here as they are under an epic in the backlog, features—under an epic or a capability, and stories—under a feature.

At the theme level, you can see a roll-up of the following statistics:

  1. Epic Progress: A progress bar showing the percentage of epics that are accepted for the theme
  2. Feature Progress: A progress bar showing the percentage of features that are accepted for the theme
  3. Story Progress: A progress bar showing the percentage of story points that were delivered for the theme


  1. Work Item Name: The name of the work item; click on a work item to open it for editing; icons to the left of the name indicate the state and item type (for example, in-progress epic; hover over the icons to see its tooltip). 
  2. Health: The health of the theme group or theme; click the icon palette in this cell to edit the health settings. The column is displayed when the Show Health toggle found in Extra Configs is switched on.
  3. Points: Estimated points pulled from the Story Page/Story panel; the value is a roll-up of all stories tied to the work item 
  4. Items: A count of direct child items for the work item
  5. Progress: The percentage of story points accepted for the work item; the value is a roll-up of all points tied to the work item 


How to interpret this report


Theme-level progress bars

Compare the Epic, Feature, and Story progress bars for each theme tied to a strategy. Ideally, there should be very little lag between story and feature progress. It is not unusual for epics to lag behind even further, because epics span PIs. Pay particular attention to features, to make sure they are not trailing the stories in progress; when feature progress is too far behind story progress, it indicates a prioritization problem for your stories--most likely working on stories for too many features at once. Minimizing the feature work in process allows you to finish individual features before moving on to more stories. In the Backlog, use the Rank Stories by Features option to get a baseline prioritization for stories. A Work in Process Report is also available to help you understand where a bottleneck is impacting feature progress.

Expandable drill-down list/hierarchy of work items

Review the progress of themes, epics, features, stories, and tasks, using the drill-down function in the report, to gain insight into which work items are lagging behind or being completed on schedule. From here, you can also access the work items directly to edit if needed, such as splitting features, prioritizing work items, or reducing scope.

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