Enterprise Insights release notes for 11.1.X

Jira Align's Enterprise Insights (EI) version 11.1 was deployed to environments on the continuous release track on July 17, 2024. It was then deployed to environments on the bundled release track on July 19, 2024. The following changes are included in version 11.1:

Release highlights

New content and delivered suggestions:

  • JIRAALIGN-3927: To deliver this suggestion, we've removed HTML tags used for rich-text formatting from the following columns in both the current_dw and export_dw schemas:
    • Story Acceptance Criteria Name in the Story Acceptance Criteria view
    • Feature Acceptance Criteria Name in the Feature Acceptance Criteria view
    • Capability Acceptance Criteria Name in the Capability Acceptance Criteria view
    • Epic Acceptance Criteria Name in the Epic Acceptance Criteria view
    • Task Acceptance Criteria Name in the Task view

Bug fixes:

  • JIRAALIGN-7153: Release Vehicle Type field is not being populated in Enterprise Insights

  • JIRAALIGN-7267: Entries in the Feature History view are missing the most recent activity
    • Replaced null values in the Feature Fact Valid From column of Feature History views with 1900-01-01 00:00:00 in both the current_dw and export_dw schemas
    • Replaced null values in the Feature Fact Valid To column of Feature History views with 9999-12-31 00:00:00 in both the current_dw and export_dw schemas
    • JIRAALIGN-7331: Feature History view is loading over 500K rows for some environments: removed the performance impact from the latest fix of JIRAALIGN-7267
    • JIRAALIGN-7355: Feature History view is missing data after release: added support to reload all missing records


In version 11.1, the following changes were made:

  • The Test Case, Test Case Log, Test Case Attachment, and Test Case Step views have been removed from the current_dw and export_dw schemas, as a result of the removal of the test case backup tables in the Jira Align database and removal of the Quality module.

In version 11.5, the following changes will be made:

In version 11.6, the following changes will be made: 

  • The following views and columns will be removed from the current_dw and export_dw schemas to support multiple changes in Jira Align:
    • The Matric Measured Increment column in the Success Criteria view will be removed and replaced by a new column, Metric Measure Increment.
      • Please update reports and queries to use the new Metric Measure Increment column. 
    • Views removed as a result of the removal of all skills functionality, and the Time/Skills tab from epic details panels:
      • Epic Skill 
      • Epic Skill Allocation 
      • Skill 
      • MAP User to Skill
      • Epic Schedule
    • Views removed as a result of the new milestones tab available for capability details panels:
      • Capability Milestone (replaced by Capability Milestones)
    • Columns removed from the Epic Milestone view as a result of the new milestones tab available for epic details panels:
      • Completed Flag
      • Date Portfolio Ask
      • FK User Created By ID
      • FK User Completed By ID
    • Views removed as a result of new capacity functionality in Jira Align:
      • Forecast Capacity
      • Forecast Buffer
    • Please back up any data in these views and columns, which will be removed from Enterprise Insights in version 11.6.

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