No release for 10.118.0 + upcoming changes

To maintain high quality standards, the 10.118.0 feature release will not be deployed. Environments on the continuous release track will remain on version 10.117.2 until March 17, 2023, when we plan to deploy version 10.118.1. Environments on the bundled release track will remain on version 10.117.2 until March 24, 2023, when we plan to deploy version 10.118.2.

Upcoming change announcements

We have a few announcements for upcoming changes to Jira Align, as well as an update on a change originally planned for version 10.118.0:

Changes to support a new Jira Software epic field

Later this month, Jira Software Cloud will begin rolling out changes to epic fields in company-managed projects. 

If your Jira Align instance is currently connected to one or more Jira Software Cloud projects you will see the following changes as of Tuesday, March 21:

  1. On the Admin > Jira Settings > Jira Setup connector settings page, the Feature name custom field custom field mapping will be renamed to Jira epic name custom field and will be made optional. Existing mappings will not be removed.
  2. Inside of Details panels for Jira Align features, the Summary field will be renamed to Jira Epic Name and will be made optional.
  3. The Jira connector will begin syncing the Summary field of Jira Software epics with the Title field of Jira Align features. The connector will also begin syncing the Epic Name field of Jira Software epics with the Jira Epic Name field of Jira Align features.

See our announcement, Upcoming changes to support a new Jira Software epic field, for full details of the change and steps you can take to prepare. 

Upcoming removal of legacy reports

In version 10.121.0, we’ll be removing six legacy reports from Jira Align:

See our announcement, Upcoming removal of legacy reports, for full details of these planned removals.

Update on page and connector removals planned for 10.118.0

In the 10.115.X release notes, we announced our intent to remove multiple pages and connectors from Jira Align as of version 10.118.0:

  • Blogs
  • Communities of Practice
  • Feeds
  • Forums
  • Newsletters
  • Trello connector settings*
  • Rational connector settings

*Note: The Jira Align Power-Up was removed from Trello as of March 10, 2023.

Due to no release for version 10.118.0, these removals will take place in environments on the continuous release track when we deploy version 10.118.1 on March 17, 2023. Environments on the bundled release track will see these removals take place as originally planned when we deploy version 10.118.2 on March 24, 2023.


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