More actions for epics

Explore epics with More Actions found on the toolbar of the epics page:

  • Bottom-Up Estimate: The bottom-up estimate pushes the estimates from stories up to the features and epics. You can use the bottom-up estimate to get a rough estimate for a certain epic or feature. The story points for the epic or feature are a sum of points from all stories associated with that work item.
  • Prioritization: Use the Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) formula to identify which epics are most important to plan into the next program increment. 
  • Import Epics: You can use the Excel spreadsheet to import epics from other applications to Jira Align to work with the application more effectively and save time. 
  • Export Epics: With the export option, you can store your epics in one document. You can also use this option to email or review the data. The exported file is saved in the Excel format.
  • Mass Move: For a more efficient work process, you can move several epics at once between different PIs, programs, and sprints.
  • Work Tree: The Work Tree (Top Down View from Epic) report provides an overview of progress on all work items in a selected PI, as well as a drill-down hierarchy of progress at each work item level. 
  • Print Epic Cards: Use this option to print a snapshot of epics.
  • Access Recycle Bin: When deleted, epics can be restored from the recycle bin. If you restore an item, only the item is restored and not its child items. You can also permanently delete epics from the recycle bin.
  • Access Canceled Items: You can cancel epics if you decide to stop working on them or freeze them. All their child items are moved to the canceled recycle bin as well. Canceled epics can be restored from the canceled recycle bin.
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