Jira Align's Enterprise Insights (EI) was updated and deployed to 10.109.X instances on the continuous track on August 2, 2022, and will be deployed to instances on the bundled track on August 6, 2022. The following enhancements were made:
Release highlights
New content:
Capability Roadmap Notes
Updated Man Week Budget for epic and capability history to properly expose value as a FLOAT.
Added Hierarchy Health (Custom Room Health).
Added Affected Country Mapping for epics and capabilities.
Added Executive Status Dials for organizations, portfolios, programs, program increments, and themes.
Defect fixes:
Attachment Binary incremental load logic and object type mappings corrected.
Updated logic to handle long Program object name in Team Type column.
Updated object load sequencing to improve data consistency.
Time Sheets Note deletion logic corrected.
New tables
View Name
Hierarchy Health History
Add Health Status for hierarchy items.
- [Hierarchy Health Fact ID] INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
- [Current Value Flag] NVARCHAR(3) NOT NULL
- [FK Hierarchy ID] INT NOT NULL
- [FK User Updated By ID] INT NOT NULL
- [Health Comment] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Hierarchy Health] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
MAP Capability to Country
Added mapping for Capability Countries.
- [FK Capability ID] INT NOT NULL
- [FK Country ID] INT NOT NULL
- [MAP Capability Country ID] INT NOT NULL
MAP Epic to Country
Added mapping for Epic Countries.
- [FK Country ID] INT NOT NULL
- [MAP Epic Country ID] INT NOT NULL
Organization Executive Status Dial
Executive Status Dial details for Organization object.
- [Budget] INT NULL
- [Budget Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Executive Status Dial ID] INT NOT NULL
- [FK Organization ID] INT NOT NULL
- [Quality] INT NULL
- [Quality Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Risk] INT NULL
- [Schedule] INT NULL
- [Schedule Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Scope] INT NULL
- [Scope Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
Portfolio Executive Status Dial
Executive Status Dial details for Portfolio object.
- [Budget] INT NULL
- [Budget Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Executive Status Dial ID] INT NOT NULL
- [FK Portfolio ID] INT NOT NULL
- [Quality] INT NULL
- [Quality Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Risk] INT NULL
- [Schedule] INT NULL
- [Schedule Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Scope] INT NULL
- [Scope Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
Program Executive Status Dial
Executive Status Dial details for Program object.
- [Budget] INT NULL
- [Budget Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Executive Status Dial ID] INT NOT NULL
- [FK Program ID] INT NOT NULL
- [Quality] INT NULL
- [Quality Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Risk] INT NULL
- [Schedule] INT NULL
- [Schedule Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Scope] INT NULL
- [Scope Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
Program Increment Executive Status Dial
Executive Status Dial details for Program Increment object.
- [Budget] INT NULL
- [Budget Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Executive Status Dial ID] INT NOT NULL
- [FK Program Increment ID] INT NOT NULL
- [Quality] INT NULL
- [Quality Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Risk] INT NULL
- [Schedule] INT NULL
- [Schedule Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Scope] INT NULL
- [Scope Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
Theme Executive Status Dial
Executive Status Dial details for Theme object.
- [Budget] INT NULL
- [Budget Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Executive Status Dial ID] INT NOT NULL
- [Quality] INT NULL
- [Quality Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Risk] INT NULL
- [Schedule] INT NULL
- [Schedule Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Scope] INT NULL
- [Scope Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
Updated tables
View Name
Capability |
Added Roadmap Notes.
- [Roadmap Notes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
Capability History |
Added Man Week Budget.
- [Man Week Budget] FLOAT NULL
Epic History |
Added Man Week Budget.
- [Man Week Budget] FLOAT NULL
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