Release Notes for 10.105.2

The 10.105.2 maintenance release will be deployed to environments on the continuous release track and environments on the bundled release track on February 18, 2022. Maintenance releases contain high-priority defect fixes and fixes for any features deployed in version 10.105.0 and 10.105.1. 

Important: There is a known issue in this release in which custom fields cannot be updated with PATCH for the Object/Milestone API 2.0 endpoint. We're working to resolve this issue as soon as possible and will post details about the fix once a fix has been implemented.

Defect Fixes

Key Summary
JIRAALIGN-3847 Roadmap - Missing Epics in RoadMap once compared to Epic Grid
JIRAALIGN-3944 Null points will clear JA estimation when synced
JIRAALIGN-3950 Irrelevant Development tasks are added to Kanban boards and expanding tasks in stories slide-out panel is throwing an error
JIRAALIGN-3957 API 2.0 : Milestones: Making a GET call towards Milestones endpoint results in HTTP 500




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