Team spend per point report

The team spend per point report displays a team’s rolling team spend per point value for sprints within a program increment. Team spend per point is the cost of delivering a story effort point during a sprint (including anchor sprints for Kanban teams). This is calculated by taking team allocation percentages and multiplying by a blended rate or cost center value. That total is then divided by the total number of story effort points delivered in the sprint, providing a cost for each point. 

Team spend per point is unique for each team and each sprint. Team spend per point is an important value, as it is used to calculate the accepted spend values of stories.   

You can use the report to identify outliers that may affect the data used to generate a team’s spend per point. You can also see how many members were assigned to the team, and the number of points accepted during a sprint. 


The team spend per point report is available from the main spend per point report, by selecting the View outliers link next to a displayed team. Quick links to the report are also available when viewing detailed info inside of Accepted Spend panels.


Use and configure the report

Use the Team dropdown to select which team you want to view Spend per Point data for. 

Use the Sprint dropdown to select which team sprint you want to view Spend per Point data for. 

Select the Spend per point link in the upper-left corner of the page to navigate to the spend per point report.

Use the View Portfolio room button in the top-right corner to leave the report and navigate to the Portfolio Room. 

You can share the report by selecting the branching icon. Next, click Copy link to copy the URL of the page with its sidebar (new navigation only) or Configuration bar (old navigation only) settings, which you can share with other Jira Align users.

Values displayed in the report


  1. The team spend per point value for the selected team and sprint, and the increase or decrease in value since the previous sprint.
  2. The number of members assigned to the team, and the increase or decrease in team membership since the previous sprint.
  3. The sum of effort points from accepted stories planned for the selected sprint. The average velocity at the time of the sprint is also displayed. Average velocity is the average number of points delivered by the team during the 5 sprints previous to the selected sprint. 
  4. The team’s average velocity during this sprint. Average velocity is the average number of story points the team delivered during the previous five completed sprints. Select the View sprint link to navigate to the team’s details panel, focused on the Sprints tab.
  5. The number of outliers detected in the sprint that may need corrective action. 
  6. Issues detected with allocations in the sprint. Select the link that displays to the right of an issue's row to navigate to the page or panel where you can make corrections. Issues that will cause an outlier to display:
    1. A team member is missing allocations to the sprint, excluding stakeholders. 
    2. A team member is assigned to this sprint but not the previous sprint.
    3. A team member is not assigned to this sprint but was assigned to the previous sprint.
    4. A Kanban team member's total allocation exceeds 100% across teams assigned to the same anchor sprint.
  7. Issues detected with the number of points delivered during the sprint. Select the link that displays to the right of an issue's row to navigate to the page or panel where you can make corrections. Issues that will cause an outlier message to display:
    1. Points accepted by the team during the sprint are 50% greater or fewer than the team's average velocity.
    2. A story assigned to the sprint is marked dev complete or test complete.
  8. Issues detected with settings for either Cost Center or PI Blended rate. Issues displayed depend on the Costing Method portfolio setting. Select the link that displays to the right of an issue's row to navigate to the page or panel where you can make corrections. Issues that will cause an outlier to display:
    1. A PI blended rate is not set for the PI that the sprint belongs to.
    2. A team member does not have a cost center rate.

Interpret the data on the report

The primary use case of the team spend per point report is to identify any data outliers for that team that may be skewing their spend per point value for a given sprint. Outliers include missing/additional team members, more/less points delivered in a sprint than usual, and incorrect cost/rate settings.   

Dive into outliers by clicking the link that displays to the right of a displayed outlier, which will navigate you to the correct page or details panel where you can make corrections. 

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