Spend per point report

The spend per point report displays a program’s rolling spend per point value for anchor sprints within a program increment. Program spend per point is the average cost of delivering a story effort point, during the previous five anchor sprints (including the current active anchor sprint). This value is a rolling average, and changes as sprints within the PI progress. Program spend per point is an important value, as it is used to calculate forecasted spend, estimated spend, and accepted spend values.   

You can use the report to identify the program’s spend per point value inside of a specific anchor sprint, and see how it moves over time. You can also see what teams in the program contribute to spend per point, and identify outliers inside of teams that may negatively impact your calculations. 


To navigate to this report:

  1. Select Portfolios, Solutions, or Programs in the top navigation bar and select the entity you want to view information about.
  2. On the sidebar, select Reports in the list of options.
  3. Select Spend per point report; the report displays.

Quick links to the report are also available when viewing detailed info inside of the Forecasted Spend and Estimated Spend panels.


For the report to display data, you must select one or more programs and one or more program increments. 

Use and configure the report

Use the Program dropdown to select which program you want to view spend per point data for. 

Use the Anchor sprint dropdown to select which anchor sprint you want to view spend per point data for. This report uses anchor sprints, as they are common time periods used by all teams within a program and PI. 

Inside the Teams grid, select the View outliers link to the right of a team’s row to navigate to the Team Spend per Point report, filtered by the selected team. There, you can view and correct team outliers. If you see a Manage sprint link instead, this means multiple team sprints have been associated with the same anchor sprint. Select the link to navigate to the sprints page where you can correct the issue. 

Use the View Portfolio room button in the top-right corner to leave the report and navigate to the portfolio room. 

You can share the report by selecting the branching icon in the upper-right corner. Next, select Copy link to copy the URL of the page with its sidebar (new navigation only) or Configuration bar (old navigation only) settings, which you can share with other Jira Align users.

Values displayed in the report


  1. The program spend per point value for the selected program and anchor sprint, and the increase or decrease in value since the previous anchor sprint.
  2. The selected anchor sprint’s name, start date, and end date.
  3. The count of teams that contributed to the selected anchor sprint, and the number of teams added or removed since the previous anchor sprint.
  4. The list of teams that contributed to the selected program and anchor sprint.
  5. The team’s name.
  6. The team’s scrum master.
  7. The number of outliers identified for the team. Select to view the team spend per point report for the team. 

Interpret the data on the report

The primary use case of the spend per point report is to identify any data outliers across teams that may be skewing the program spend per point value for a given sprint. Outliers include missing resource rates and incorrect allocations through the info cards at the top of the report and the count of outliers that display to the right of each team row. 

Dive into outliers by clicking the View outliers link on a team’s row in the Teams grid. You’ll be navigated to the team spend per point report for that team, where you can view descriptions of outliers for allocations, number of points delivered, and cost settings.

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