Release Notes for 10.96

Enhancements and Features

Important: API 2.0 changes to the Themes and Release endpoints

In an effort to match property names with the Align UI and standardize property naming conventions, the following property changes were made:


  • lastUpdatedDate was added
  • uid changed to lastUpdatedBy
  • relStatus changed to status
  • beginDate changed to startDate
  • short changed to shortName
  • synchronize changed to scheduleType
  • predecessor changed to predecessorId
  • active was removed
  • manualPercentComplete was removed
  • picType was removed
  • mode was removed


  • lastUpdatedDate was added
  • lifeCycleStateId changed to developmentalStepId
  • lifeCycleSateIdop changed to operationalStepId
  • createdDate changed to createDate
  • targetDate changed to targetCompletionDate
  • startDate changed to startInitiationDate
  • estimateDate changed to portfolioAskDate
  • lastModifiedDate was removed

The removed properties are for internal use only. Because these types of properties are not available in the UI and do not support integrations, reporting, or other API use cases, we decided to remove them to avoid any confusion.


Important: API 2.0 changes planned in 10.97

To allow for more time to prepare for property changes, below are the planned changes for 10.97.


  • isCanceled was added
  • startDate changed to startInitiationDate
  • estimateDate changed to portfolioAskDate
  • targetDate changed to targetCompletionDate
  • driver changed to strategicDriver
  • budget changed to budgetTw
  • complexity changed to kanoComplexity
  • certainty changed to kanoCertainty
  • kano changed to kanoCategory
  • opExE changed to externalOpEx
  • capExE changed to externalCapEx
  • capEx changed to totalCapEx
  • opEx changed to totalOpEx
  • irate changed to discountRate
  • initialInv changed to initialInvestment
  • fyears changed to forecastYears
  • f1 changed to yearlyCashFlow1
  • methodType changed to planningMode
  • bimpact changed to businessImpact
  • appetit changed to riskAppetite
  • fimpact changed to failureImpact
  • fprob changed to failureProbability
  • abilityExec changed to abilityToExec
  • leanUx changed to leanUxCanvas
  • rank was removed
  • globalRank was removed
  • backlogType was removed
  • rank was removed
  • dropCount was removed
  • lastModifiedDate was removed


  • kano changed to kanoCategory
  • leanUx changed to leanUxCanvas
  • startDate changed to startInitiationDate
  • estimateDate changed to portfolioAskDate
  • targetDate changed to targetCompletionDate
  • backlogType was removed


  • lastUpdatedDate was added
  • sprintScheduleId changed to schedule
  • stateId changed to state
  • velocity changed to overrideVelocity
  • typeId changed to type
  • owner was removed
  • ownerUid was removed
  • weather was removed
  • isTerminated was removed
  • used was removed
  • goalState was removed
  • teamCommit was removed
  • notes was removed
  • used was removed


Detailed API 2.0 error responses

When complex queries return just an error status response, there is little to no information to help identify the actual issue. Now, the error responses include details of the actual issue.

For example, the following is query will execute successfully:


But with a simple typo in the property name:


The API used to return just the error status:

400 - Bad Request

Now, the API will return a detailed response with the status:

400 - Bad Request
Cannot find cities. Could not find a
property named ‘titlez’ on type ‘City’.


Defect Fixes

JIRAALIGN-2642 Navigating to the Changes log results in a Whoops error and the page does not load
API 1.0  
JIRAALIGN-3142 Navigating to <instance>/api-docs/public/ results in a 403 Forbidden error
Azure DevOps Connector  
JIRAALIGN-3172 When the connector attempts to capture information for an item that already exists and a connection error occurs, the connector duplicates the item
JIRAALIGN-2179 A server error occurs when switching to the Kanban Process Step view in the Feature Backlog for a single, active program increment
JIRAALIGN-768 Tags overlap with one another when more than 9 tags are created for a work item
JIRAALIGN-1956 In Epic Planning, the burndown chart displays an incorrect calculation of completed effort points
JIRAALIGN-3074 When creating new ideas, manually-created, required fields are not marked with red squares
Jira Connector  
JIRAALIGN-3012 When Why button information about a feature syncs to Jira, information on capabilities that are not directly related to the feature is included in the sync
Program Board  
JIRAALIGN-2128 Objectives display planning issues, even when the objective's scheduling doesn't create planning issues
JIRAALIGN-2164 The Control Chart occasionally does not load the graph when state filters are applied
JIRAALIGN-2891 The roadmap view does not reflect Configuration bar selections
JIRAALIGN-1342 Users display multiple times in the list of team members
JIRAALIGN-2876 When a theme's primary program assignment is removed and the theme has associated work items that are contained in that program, a warning modal does not display
Work Tree  
JIRAALIGN-703 In the Bottom Up view, stories don't display on the Work Tree when a release vehicle is selected in the Configuration bar
JIRAALIGN-3052 Searching for "OKR" returns a report, and selecting the report logs the user out or redirects the user
JIRAALIGN-1378 On the progress bar for stories, when all tasks are complete, progress reflects as 0% complete
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