Note: Due to a previously unreported feature, this article has been deleted and then republished. This method is used to provide notification emails to users subscribed to Release Notes updates. Please see API 2.0 property name and data type changes below for details on the additional feature included in version 10.86.
Enhancements and Features
API 2.0 property name and data type changes
In an effort to standardize naming conventions and data types of properties across endpoints, the following property changes were made:
- inRecycleBin changed to isRecycled
- mmf changed to mvp
- engMrktScore changed to effortSwag
- epicPoints changed to points
- inRecycleBin changed to isRecycled, and changed from a Boolean type to Int32
- strategicValue changed to strategicValueScore
- isSplited changed to IsSplit, and changed from a Boolean type to Int32
- isCanceled changed to isCanceled, and changed from a Boolean type to Int32
- canceledObject changed to isCanceled
- inRecycleBin changed to isRecycled
- canceledObject changed to isCanceled
- inRecycleBin changed to isRecycled
- inRecycleBin changed to isRecycled
- isBlocked changed from a Boolean type to Int32
- isAutomationTask changed from a Boolean type to Int32
- isImport changed from a Boolean type to Int32
Strategy Items
- StrategyItemId changed to id
- isTimeTrackingOnly changed from a Boolean type to Int32
- isInRecycleBin changed to isRecycled
- isAccepted changed to isAccepted, and changed from a Boolean type to Int32
- parentSplit changed to isParentSplit, and changed from a Boolean type to Int32
- canceledObject changed to isCanceled
- active changed to isActive, and changed from a Boolean type to Int32
- allowTaskDeletion changed from a Boolean type to Int32
- allowTeamToRunStandup changed from a Boolean type to Int32
- isKanbanTeam changed to IsKanbanTeam, and changed from a Boolean type to Int32
- enableAutoEstimate changed from a Boolean type to Int32
- isMajor changed to isMajor, and changed from a Boolean type to Int32
- isActive changed to isActive, and changed from a Boolean type to Int32
- themeGroup changed to themeGroupId
Work Codes
- active changed to isActive
- inRecycleBin changed to isRecycled
Performance and usability improvements in PI Details panels
For improved performance, search functionality, and navigation, we’ve added additional controls to the work item lists at the bottom of program increment Details panels:
- View All link: Redirects to the work item grid, filtered by program increment. This link doesn’t display if no work items are planned for the PI
- Search bar: Search can be performed by ID and name
- View more link at the bottom of the list: Loads the next 10 items, when applicable
Additionally, the work item lists now display only the first 10 most recently created work items when they’re initially expanded. The work items are listed in descending order by their creation date.
External reporting is here!
Ever wanted to view reports from other apps and websites in Jira Align? Now you can! Using the same IFrame technology found in other Atlassian products, you can now configure and create embedded reports and other web content that are displayed in the new External Reports section of the Reports landing page.
Introducing the Investment by Feature report
We’ve consolidated the Investment Trend report and the Investment Report into a single page, Investment by Feature. Six different pie charts are included in the report to help you understand planned vs accepted features, stories, and point counts in a PI:
- Features Planned by Category: Counts of features assigned to each category
- Features by Business Driver: Counts of features assigned to each business driver
- Features Accepted by Category: Counts of accepted features assigned to each category
- Accepted Effort by Category: Counts of accepted child stories associated with features assigned to each category
- Value Points Compared to the Last 10 Program Increments: The sum of value points from stories associated with the program specified in the Configuration bar, for each of the previous 10 PIs. Misaligned stories are not included.
- Effort Points Compared to the Last 10 Program Increments: The sum of effort (LOE) points from stories associated with the program specified in the Configuration bar, for each of the previous 10 PIs. Misaligned stories are not included.
Jira Connector points estimation update
Until now, any features estimated in points and synced to Jira Align from Jira honored the Administration > Platform > Team > Points System setting for using a Fibonacci or Power of 2 point scale — yes, even if they were estimated in Jira with a custom number of points.
For example, if a feature was estimated with a value of 4 points in Jira, and the Points System setting in Jira Align is set to Fibonacci, the Points field inside the feature's Details panel would display as 4, while the available selections when editing that field were limited to Fibonacci (1, 2, 3, 5, etc).
Now, features synced from Jira will honor entered points when the following choices are made from Administration > Platform > Portfolio settings:
- Estimation System is set to Points
- Display Estimates In is set to Open Text Field
If the Estimation System setting is set to Team Weeks, Member Weeks, or T-Shirt, the points entered in Jira will not be converted, and each feature's estimate must be entered from the main tab in its Details panel. However, if needed, you can always view the original Jira point estimate from the Features grid page in Jira Align by displaying the Points field from the Columns Shown menu.
Report enhancements for Kanban teams
If you’re a burndown fanatic, we’ve just improved the Predicted lines on charts inside the Program Increment Progress report! The Predicted lines now take the ability for a Kanban team to deliver their stories into account, by looking at the average number of story points accepted by the team during the past five anchor sprints. Kanban teams are now also displayed in the Burn Details panel of the report.
We have also enhanced the Points Planned vs Points Accepted report to include point values from Kanban teams. For Planned values, the total number of story points assigned to a Kanban team for the specified PI are spread evenly across the sprints displayed in the chart. The team's count of effort points accepted during each anchor sprint is used to calculate Accepted values.
Report calculation and consistency changes
We’ve updated several report names, calculations, and labels to provide more consistency across views of similar data.
Strategic Driver Allocation:
- Program Increment/Strategic Driver Allocation chart header renamed to Strategic Driver PI Allocation
- Epic/Strategic Driver Estimate chart header renamed to Estimated PI Allocation
- The percentage value for each section of the pie chart is calculated as:
((Sum of PI estimates from epics assigned to a strategic driver and the specified program and PI) / (Sum of PI estimates for all epics assigned to the specified program and PI)) * 100 - Estimates from epics not assigned to a strategic driver display in the Unassigned Strategic Driver section
- Hover values are displayed as points, team weeks, or member weeks if those estimation systems are selected in Administration > Platform > Portfolio settings
- If your Jira Align instance uses T-Shirt sizing as the estimation system, epic estimate hover values are converted into team weeks or member weeks based on the selection made in Administration > Platform > Portfolio > Display Week Estimates In
- The percentage value for each section of the pie chart is calculated as:
- Epic/Strategic Driver Actuals chart header renamed to Accepted PI Allocation
- The percentage value for each section of the pie chart is calculated as:
((Sum of level-of-effort (LOE) points from stories parented by epics assigned to a strategic driver and the specified program and PI) / (Sum of LOE points from stories parented by all epics assigned to the specified program and PI)) * 100
- Stories parented by multi-program epics that belong to a program selected in the Configuration bar are included
- Misaligned stories are not included
- Orphan stories are not included
- Points from stories parented by epics not assigned to a strategic driver display in the Unassigned Strategic Driver section
- The percentage value for each section of the pie chart is calculated as:
- We've consolidated the Epics - Team Weeks and Epics - Story Points columns in the table below the pie charts, to eliminate the need to repeat epic IDs and names
- Team Weeks column renamed to Estimated Progress by Feature, which is calculated as:
((Sum of estimates from accepted child features assigned to the specified program and PI) / (Sum of estimates from all child features assigned to the specified program and PI)) * 100 - Story Points column renamed to Accepted Progress by Story, which is calculated as:
((Sum of level-of-effort (LOE) points from accepted child stories assigned to the specified program and PI) / ( Sum of LOE points from all child stories assigned to the specified program and PI)) * 100- Misaligned stories are not included
- Added the PI Estimate column
- Team Weeks column renamed to Estimated Progress by Feature, which is calculated as:
Work in Process by Value Stream (WIP by Stream):
- We've changed the report name and navigation menu option to Work in Progress by Step
- Added Stats (30 day average) label to the statistics row, to clarify the date range used
Work in Process by State (WIP by State Board):
- We've changed the report name and navigation menu option to Work in Progress by State
- Refactored the page to center the rows for each work item type
- Lean Metrics charts are now filtered by the option selected in the Team dropdown on the main page
- Work in Process chart header renamed to Work in Progress
- Lead Time chart header renamed to Avg Lead Time
- Cycle Time chart header renamed to Avg Cycle Time
Defect Fixes
Performance | |
JIRAALIGN-1950 | Some users experience long wait times and slow performance when attempting to save changes to release vehicles |
Administration | |
JIRAALIGN-2329 | A “Whoops” error displays when attempting to filter the Jira Settings page by a Jira project that contains a comma in its name |
JIRAALIGN-2343 | Buttons and dropdowns flicker while the Administration > Details Panels Settings page is loaded |
API 2.0 | |
JIRAALIGN-2284 | Performing a GET query with filters applied to find canceled and deleted items does not return the correct results |
Capabilities | |
JIRAALIGN-2271 | The ampersand character (&) is not displaying correctly inside of displayed columns on the Capabilities grid page |
Epics | |
JIRAALIGN-982 | Epic Value Score is not displayed when analyzing an epic if the associated program has the Use Portfolio Score Card setting enabled |
JIRAALIGN-2318 | Page-level filters for Program Increment ≠ Unassigned Backlog cause the Epics grid page to display all epics, instead of only epics that are planned for a PI |
Forecast | |
JIRAALIGN-2185 | Estimates for stand-alone features are converted incorrectly on the Forecast page |
Import/Export | |
JIRAALIGN-707 | Custom fields are not included in the export files for objectives, tasks, risks, and test cases |
JIRAALIGN-1757 | Yearly/Quarterly/Monthly Cash Flow field values are not included in the output file after exporting an epic |
JIRAALIGN-2327 | Imports fail when attempting to add additional programs to an exported capability |
Jira Connector | |
JIRAALIGN-2363 | Usernames are not displayed inside the connector Audit Log |
Program Room | |
JIRAALIGN-2268 | Story impediments not related to the selected program are displayed in the Program Room |
Reports | |
JIRAALIGN-954 | Child features are not highlighted after an epic is selected inside the Work in Progress by Step report |
JIRAALIGN-1294 | The Product Mix permission toggle is redundant with the Investment Report toggle; both are required to access the Investment Report |
JIRAALIGN-1630 | Users who do not have the Story Maps permission toggle switched on for their system role see a vague permissions error when attempting to access the Capability Maps report |
JIRAALIGN-1653 | The Points Planned vs Points Accepted report does not display the correct data when filtering by a team in the Configuration bar |
JIRAALIGN-1919 | After clicking the Capture button from Status Reports, the output has a transparent layer which can be difficult to view on a dark background |
JIRAALIGN-2649 | The Sprint Metrics and Sprint Coaching reports do not display the correct counts of committed work items, which are items planned for a sprint prior to the sprint’s start date |
Risks | |
JIRAALIGN-880 | Users are unable to add new risks to a feature’s Details panel, even when the user has the Save permission toggle enabled for features and the Add and Save permissions enabled for risks |
JIRAALIGN-2342 | The blank state placeholder displayed in the Owner field of risk Details panels is “Select Something” instead of “Select one” |
Roadmaps | |
JIRAALIGN-2130 | Hiding the Show Completed card option inside of View Configuration causes other cards to disappear |
JIRAALIGN-2368 | After selecting a custom date range in the Configuration bar, the page automatically refreshes before the Apply button can be selected |
JIRAALIGN-2636 | Using the Reset All command in the Configuration bar does not clear custom date range selections |
Strategy Room | |
JIRAALIGN-1358 | An unnecessary vertical scroll bar displays at the top of the Strategy Room if more than one mission, vision, or values item is listed on the page |
JIRAALIGN-1654 | Different sections of the Strategy Room use inconsistent versions of singular and plural terms from Platform Terminology settings |
Stories | |
JIRAALIGN-2102 | The notification email generated after editing a story’s description is missing details of the change |
Teams | |
JIRAALIGN-1884 | Audit Logs for teams and sprints do not include details of allocation changes |
Test Cases | |
JIRAALIGN-2311 | The correct result does not display when searching for a specific story ID inside the Story field of a test case’s Details panel |
Work Tree | |
JIRAALIGN-2366 | The tooltip for the Days Left value erroneously states that a percentage is calculated, instead of the number of days remaining in a program increment |
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