Jira Align EI Enhancements and Features Version 10.75

Jira Align's Enterprise Insights (EI) was updated and deployed to production instances running version 10.75 on August 5th, 2020. The following enhancements were made:

Release highlights

  • Kanban Board and related objects added.
  • Custom Field and Tag List updated for export schema support.
  • Rank items added to export_dw schema.

New tables

View Name Description
Custom Field List CSV

View that has one record per CSV list (as opposed to individual value records)

  • [Custom Field List ID] INT NOT NULL - Primary Key of the table. Matches to FK Custom Dropdown List 4/5 foreign key in work item tables
  • [Custom Field List] NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL - CSV formated list of multi-select custom field values
Kanban Board
  • [Kanban Board Name] NULL NVARCHAR(200)
  • [Kanban Board Description] NULL NVARCHAR(1000)
  • [Active Flag] NULL NVARCHAR(3)
  • [Allow Overloading Flag] NULL NVARCHAR(3)
  • [Allow State Mapping Flag] NULL NVARCHAR(3)
  • [Date Created] NULL DATETIME
  • [FK Portfolio ID] NOT NULL INT
  • [FK Team ID] NULL INT
  • [FK User Created By ID] NULL INT
Kanban Card
  • [Archived Flag] NVARCHAR(3) NOT NULL
  • [Blocked Flag] NVARCHAR(3) NOT NULL
  • [Date Created] DATETIME NULL
  • [Date End] DATETIME NULL
  • [Date Last Modified] DATETIME NULL
  • [Date Start] DATETIME NULL
  • [FK Capability ID] INT NOT NULL
  • [FK Defect ID] INT NOT NULL
  • [FK Dependency ID] INT NOT NULL
  • [FK Enhancement Request ID] INT NOT NULL
  • [FK Feature ID] INT NOT NULL
  • [FK Impediment ID] INT NOT NULL
  • [FK Kanban Board ID] INT NULL
  • [FK Kanban Column ID] INT NULL
  • [FK Story ID] INT NOT NULL
  • [FK Tag List ID] INT NULL
  • [FK User Owner ID] INT NULL
  • [In Backlog Flag] NVARCHAR(3) NOT NULL
  • [Kanban Card Type] NVARCHAR(200) NULL
  • [Kanban Card Type ID] INT NULL
  • [Preliminary Estimate] NVARCHAR(200) NULL
  • [Ready To Move Flag] NVARCHAR(3) NOT NULL
  • [Risk Score] NVARCHAR(200) NULL
  • [Sort Order] INT NULL
  • [Value Score] NVARCHAR(200) NULL
Kanban Card Task
  • [Kanban Card Task ID] INT NOT NULL Primary Key
  • [Kanban Card Task Name] NVARCHAR(1000) NULL
  • [Date End] DATETIME NULL
  • [Date Start] DATETIME NULL
  • [FK Kanban Board ID] INT NULL
  • [FK Kanban Card ID] INT NULL
  • [FK User Created By ID] INT NULL
  • [FK User Owner ID] INT NULL
  • [Kanban Card Task State] NVARCHAR(20) NULL
  • [Sort Order] INT NULL
Kanban Card Time
  • [Kanban Card Time ID] INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
  • [Date Entered] DATETIME NULL
  • [FK Kanban Board ID] INT NULL
  • [FK Kanban Card Task ID] INT NULL
  • [FK User Owner ID] INT NULL
  • [Time Remaining] FLOAT NULL
  • [Time Spent] FLOAT NULL
Kanban Column
  • [Kanban Column Name] NVARCHAR(100) NULL
  • [Child Column Flag] NVARCHAR(3) NOT NULL
  • [Date Created] DATETIME NULL
  • [FK Kanban Board ID] INT NULL
  • [FK Kanban Column Base ID] INT NULL
  • [FK Parent Column ID] INT NULL
  • [FK User Created By ID] INT NULL
  • [FK User Owner ID] INT NULL
  • [Horizontal Split Flag] NVARCHAR(3) NOT NULL
  • [Level] INT NULL
  • [Limit] INT NULL
  • [Sort Order] INT NULL
  • [Vertical Split Flag] NVARCHAR(3) NOT NULL
Kanban Column Base
  • [Kanban Column Base ID] INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
  • [FK Kanban Board ID] INT NULL
  • [FK Swim Lane ID] INT NULL
  • [Kanban Column Base Name] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
  • [Kanban Column Base Type] NVARCHAR(50) NULL
  • [Sort Order] INT NULL
Kanban Column Overload
  • [Kanban Column Overload ID] INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
  • [Date Overloaded] DATETIME NULL
  • [FK Kanban Board ID] INT NULL
  • [FK Kanban Column Base ID] INT NULL
  • [FK Kanban Column ID] INT NULL
  • [Overload Reason] NVARCHAR(500) NULL
Kanban Column Custom Item
  • [Kanban Custom Item ID] INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
  • [Kanban Custom Item Name] NVARCHAR(300) NULL
  • [Card Size] INT NULL
  • [Date Created] DATETIME NULL
  • [Date End] DATETIME NULL
  • [Date Start] DATETIME NULL
  • [FK Kanban Board ID] INT NULL
  • [FK User Assigned To ID] INT NULL
  • [FK User Created By ID] INT NULL
  • [Kanban Custom Item Description] NVARCHAR(2000) NULL
  • [Kanban Custom Item Type] NVARCHAR(200) NULL
Kanban Swim Lane
  • [Kanban Swim Lane ID] INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
  • [Kanban Swim Lane Name] NVARCHAR(1000) NULL
  • [FK Kanban Board ID] INT NULL
  • [Sort Order] INT NULL

Updated tables

View Name Description
Capability Rank Portfolio Added [Deleted Flag] and [Date DW Modified] to export_dw schema view
Capability Rank Portfolio Program Increment Added [Deleted Flag] and [Date DW Modified] to export_dw schema view
Capability Rank Program Program Increment Added [Deleted Flag] and [Date DW Modified] to export_dw schema view
Capability Rank Solution Added [Deleted Flag] and [Date DW Modified] to export_dw schema view
Capability Rank Solution Program Increment Added [Deleted Flag] and [Date DW Modified] to export_dw schema view
Custom Field List

Added column

  • [Custom Field ID]
    • Unique ID for distinct value in list INT NULL

Added to export_dw schema

Epic Rank Portfolio Added [Deleted Flag] and [Date DW Modified] to export_dw schema view
Epic Rank Portfolio Program Increment Added [Deleted Flag] and [Date DW Modified] to export_dw schema view
Epic Rank Program Program Increment Added [Deleted Flag] and [Date DW Modified] to export_dw schema view
Epic Rank Solution Added [Deleted Flag] and [Date DW Modified] to export_dw schema view
Epic Rank Solution Program Increment Added [Deleted Flag] and [Date DW Modified] to export_dw schema view
Feature Rank Portfolio Added [Deleted Flag] and [Date DW Modified] to export_dw schema view
Feature Rank Program Program Increment Added [Deleted Flag] and [Date DW Modified] to export_dw schema view
Feature Rank Solution Added [Deleted Flag] and [Date DW Modified] to export_dw schema view
Feature Rank Solution Program Increment Added [Deleted Flag] and [Date DW Modified] to export_dw schema view
MAP Program Increment to Region

Added column

  • [MAP Program Increment Region ID]
    • Primary key for table INT NULL
Process Step Updated - [Process Step Type] column length extended from NVARCHAR(20) to NVARCHAR(250) due to a change in source system definition
Risk Added [FK User Closed By] to export_dw schema
Tag List Added to export_dw schema
Theme Rank Portfolio Added [Deleted Flag] and [Date DW Modified] to export_dw schema view

Added columns

  • [Date User End] DATETIME NULL
  • [Date User Start] DATETIME NULL
  • [Hours Per Week] INT NULL
User Login Fact Added to export_dw schema
Value Stream Updated - [Value Stream Level] column length extended from NVARCHAR(20) to NVARCHAR(250) due to a change in source system definition
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