Release Notes for 10.73

Enhancements and Features

Strategy Room: New pyramid and work item links

We've replaced the Strategy Pyramid with an updated, more robust version. The pyramid can still be managed through platform terminology and has added visibility into lower-level objectives with complimentary work items.


Throughout the Strategy Room, we also added links from work item names to their respective grid pages, pre-filtered with the Strategy Room settings, so that you can review the set of items relevant to your strategic snapshot.

Jira Software next-gen project support

The Jira connector now supports Jira Software next-gen projects! In October of 2018, Jira Software launched this project type for its cloud offering, which optimizes for team autonomy. Each project has a unique configuration, which results in unique issue types, fields, statuses, and more. 

To support these project types, we enhanced the connector to support project-specific settings. Find these settings from the Jira Projects table by selecting the project key and then the Next-Gen Settings tab. There, you can identify the issue types to sync with Jira Align work items (defects, tasks, stories, and features), custom fields to sync to Jira Align work item attributes, and map Jira statuses to Jira Align states.


Other connector settings, like enabling the bi-directional sync of features, release vehicles, or statuses are global. Next-gen projects will inherit these settings from the Jira Setup tab.

Performance: User-based dropdown replacement

For better user experience with a long list of users, we changed the type of dropdown to load the list by portions. Changes were applied for user-based dropdowns on the Brainstorming, Ideation - Admins, Contributors, Escalation, and Lean Use Cases slide-outs, as well as the list of release vehicles on the Mass Edit bar.

Additional performance enhancements

To increase performance, we optimized database usage on the Roadmaps page and optimized image loading on the Jira Align home page.

Defect Fixes

JIRAALIGN-1092 Right-click options to move or rank stories do not work in the Feature Backlog
JIRAALIGN-1283 Unassigned backlog slide-out closes when applying rank
JIRAALIGN-1236 Deleting a process step causes story cards to disappear from the Process Step backlog view
JIRAALIGN-1514 Member Week and Team Week estimates don’t match the values set on the Epic and Capability Details panels
JIRAALIGN-1515 A “Whoops” error occurs when adding objectives to capabilities
JIRAALIGN-1418 The Program Team Owner (PTO) field persists even when the field is removed from programs
JIRAALIGN-1489 Epic Planning modal doesn't list PIs in chronological order
JIRAALIGN-1542 Users can’t edit additional programs associated with epics when programs have long names
JIRAALIGN-1532 Process steps are erroneously changed on features after making changes to unrelated field
Kanban Boards  
JIRAALIGN-1474 Deleting child columns causes an internal server error
JIRAALIGN-1288 Users with an alphanumeric UID field can’t be added as members to a Kanban Board
JIRAALIGN-1424 '&' characters in PI names display as HTML code in the Program Increment column
Portfolio Room  
JIRAALIGN-791 The Portfolio Room doesn’t filter by the strategic snapshot filter set in Extra Configs
Program Board  
The 'Program' term in the History modal doesn't reflect Platform Terminology settings
JIRAALIGN-1410 Dependencies from Kanban teams to Agile teams don’t display on the Agile team’s Program Board
JIRAALIGN-1496 On the Program Increment Progress Report, the burnups and burndowns use different color schemes
JIRAALIGN-1466  On the Planned Points vs Points Accepted report, a “Whoops” error occurs when users select teams in the Extra Configs
JIRAALIGN-1434 On the Status Reports, the spotlight disappears after updating the status of any work item
JIRAALIGN-1538  On the Status Reports, after drilling into an epic, selecting Extra Configs causes the Back button to disappear
JIRAALIGN-1509  On the Forecast report, the Plan Capacity dialog clears entries after adding buffers 
JIRAALIGN-1120 On the Forecast report, the remaining capacity displays an incorrect value when a buffer is defined in the Plan Capacity modal
JIRAALIGN-1318 The Feature Audit Report doesn’t display state change dates 
JIRAALIGN-1461 On the Program Tracking report, a label references capabilities, even in instances and portfolios that have capabilities disabled
JIRAALIGN-1200 The Predictability Report page is not calculating values correctly based on SAFe methodology
JIRAALIGN-1449 The list of users in the Owned By filter dropdown takes 30 seconds to several minutes to load
JIRAALIGN-1479 An SQL timeout error occurs when This Year is selected in the Configuration bar
JIRAALIGN-812 The Release Vehicle view doesn’t load for users with the Release Train Engineer role
JIRAALIGN-1445 Selecting a program in the Configuration bar doesn’t filter the page by the program if a team assigned to that program is deleted
Strategic Backlog  
JIRAALIGN-1448 Stand-alone features display in the Epics list, even when an instance is configured for this not to occur
Team Meetings  
JIRAALIGN-1093 Scrum of Scrums meetings do not load
Team Room   
JIRAALIGN-1536 The Sprint Board doesn’t display all defects
JIRAALIGN-1326 On the Sprint Status chart, the Points Completed line doesn't reflect all points for stories that reached the Test Complete state
JIRAALIGN-1566 Some on-premises installations can’t create new users if the instance start date has a dd/mm/yyyy format
JIRAALIGN-1423 When exporting users, any ‘&' characters in the Assigned Teams column display as HTML code in the export file
JIRAALIGN-1444 The formula for WSJF is incorrect
JIRAALIGN-417 ‘AgileCraft’ terminology is used in the email notification received when the Jira Connector creates a new team
JIRAALIGN-1462 Using v2.0 of the API, executing any API call over Swagger's EXECUTE button causes a 401 error to occur
JIRAALIGN-1400 Jira Align does not redirect users to the last page that was visited before logging out
JIRAALIGN-1562 Jira Project name is not updated in Jira Align after updated in Jira
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