Strategy room


The strategy room provides a unified view of your organization’s short and long-term strategies, objectives, key results, and the execution of strategy. 

To navigate to the strategy room:

  1. Select Strategy in the top navigation bar; the strategy room displays.


  • When on another strategy page, select Strategy room from the list of page options on the sidebar to get back to the strategy room.
  • Make sure to set up the room display by selecting a strategic snapshot from the Snapshot dropdown menu.

The strategy room is a dashboard that contains several widgets to get a detailed look at your strategy and progress:

Note: Your Jira Align administrator can adjust the layers of objectives, goals, and strategy displayed in this room with the Customize Pyramid Display section of platform terminology settings.

The missions, visions, values, and strategic goals (North Stars, long-term goals, long-term strategies, and yearly goals) in the strategy room can be created or updated in the strategic backlog. To quickly navigate there, select Strategic Backlog in the upper-right of the strategy room. Alternatively, select Missions, Visions, Values, or a strategic goal level in any widget to manage the items at that hierarchy level in the strategic backlog.

The objective levels on the page can be created or updated on the objectives page. To quickly navigate there, select an objective level in any widget to manage the items at that level.

Optionally, use the Extra Configs button in the top-right corner to filter the work items displayed on the page by portfolio, solution, program, team, program increment, release vehicle, or product.

Missions, Visions, and Values

At the top of the page, you can view the top-level missions, visions, and values for your organization. You can click each item to view its details. 


Strategy Pyramid 

The Strategy Pyramid is a hierarchical visualization of your strategy management. The top nine levels in your strategic hierarchy are listed from the top-down, as well as the count of each item type. You can click a strategy, goal, or objective type in the pyramid to create and edit those items.

Themes, epics, capabilities, and features are included in the counts in the pyramid when the work item is parented to a higher level objective or goal and planned for a program increment associated with the selected strategic snapshot. Misaligned work items are those associated with objectives or goals in the pyramid, but not planned in an aligned PI.

Note: If mission, vision, and/or values are switched off in the Customize Pyramid Display settings, their corresponding spaces in the pyramid will persist, but will display with no label or information.

Strategy_Pyramid.pngOKR Heatmap 

The OKR Heatmap provides a visual overview of how you’re doing on achieving the different levels of strategic goals and objectives. The different levels of strategic goals and objectives are organized in rows in a table format. The columns on the left of the table represent the PIs in the snapshot. 

Each row contains blocks to reflect statistics for objectives at the strategic goal or objective level during each PI in the snapshot. Since strategic goals aren’t associated with PIs, they display as a single block that spans across all PI columns.

Each block displays the average percentage of progress made on the key results at the strategic goal or objective level. For strategic goal blocks, the percentage isn’t PI-specific. For the PI-specific objective blocks, progress is only calculated for key results of the objectives at the specified level that are associated with the PI.


The blocks on the heatmap are color-coded according to the average key result score for objectives or strategic goals at that level (to the nearest 0.1), which displays at the bottom of the block:

  • Not scored (N/A) =  gray. This will only display if all key results at the objective or goal level, within the PI have not been scored. If at least one key result at the objective/goal level has been scored, all other key results that haven’t been scored will receive a score of zero in the average calculations.
  • 0.3 and below = red
  • 0.4-0.6 = yellow 
  • 0.7 and above= green

For strategic goal blocks, the average score is calculated for key results of all goals at the specified level, regardless of PI. For PI-specific objective blocks, an objective’s key results are only included in the average score calculation if the objective is at the specified level and is associated with the PI. If at least one key result at the objective/goal level has been scored, all other key results that haven’t been scored will receive a score of zero in the average calculations.

The columns on the right list the level of each row, as well as an item count of the total number of objectives or strategic goals at each level during the snapshot time period.

Execution Against Outcomes

The Execution Against Outcomes widget displays a list of the percent of accepted work items tied to goals or objectives in each goal or objective level (regardless of work item PI):

    • Yearly goals: Themes
    • Portfolio objectives: Epics, capabilities, and features
    • Solution objectives: Epics, capabilities, and features
    • Program objectives: Epics, capabilities, and features
    • Team objectives: Epics, capabilities, and features

Note: Work items cannot be associated with North Stars, long-term goals, and long-term strategies. As a result, the percent of accepted work for North Stars, Long Term Goals, and Long Term Strategies always displays N/A.


 The percentages are color-coded according to the percentage of completed work:

  • 39% and below = red
  • 40-69% = yellow 
  • 70% and above = green

Snapshot Progress

View the progress and statuses of work items tied to your strategic snapshot with the Snapshot Progress widget.


Four dials display at the top of this widget, reflecting the themes, epics, capabilities, and features tied to the program increments in the snapshot. The center of the dial reflects the percent of work items that are completed. Each dial contains color-coded areas to represent the percentage of each type of work item tied to strategic goals and objectives that are not started (gray), in progress (yellow), and completed (green). You can hover over each section of the dial to view a detailed percentage of work items in each state.

Underneath the dials, progress bars and counts appear for each item type, indicating the number of work items tied to strategic goals and objectives that have reached an Accepted state, as well as the number of dependencies that have been resolved. You can click each work item type to manage them on their respective Jira Align grids.

OKR Tree

The Objectives and Key Results Tree (OKR Tree) widget displays the objectives and goals tied directly to the snapshot or to a program increment included in the snapshot in a top-down view, organized by level of goal/objective. At the upper-left of the widget, you can search for a specific goal or objective by its title. Clicking an item’s name displays its details. Or, click the arrow Screen_Shot_2020-03-17_at_5.01.26_PM.pngto see the child objectives and strategic goals associated with the PIs in the snapshot. 

Each row in the OKR tree displays the strategic goal or objective’s ID and name, as well as three configurable columns: KR Progress, Score, and Owner. To configure the column display:

  1. In the upper-right of the OKR tree, select the gear Screen_Shot_2020-03-17_at_4.32.17_PM.png icon.
  2. The Configure Columns modal displays, with a list of toggles for each column. Switch the columns on or off as desired.
  3. Select Apply to save your changes.

View a full-screen view of the OKR Tree by selecting the full-screen icon from the upper-right corner of the widget. This view hides the other widgets in the strategy room. Select the full-screen icon again while in the full-screen view to revert to the normal view.


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