Enhancements and Features
On-Premise Customers: ASP.NET Core Runtime 3.1.0 required with Jira Align 10.64
To take advantage of a new set of Jira Align APIs and new database management tools, Jira Align On-Premise now requires ASP.Net Core Runtime 3.1.0. More information and a link to download can be found here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.1.
Please reach out to Jira Align Support with any questions.
Time Tracking reports
The Notes field on timesheet tasks is now a column in the Timesheet Export report. Text in the Notes field will be exported in plain text format.
Defect Fixes by Area
- We fixed an issue where the Developmental Step field was not displayed as required after the Required toggle was switched on in Details Panels Settings.
- We fixed an issue where epics, capabilities, and features associated with multiple programs were not displayed on the Epic Estimations Report when the correct program was selected in the Configuration bar.
- We fixed an issue where some users would experience a server error when attempting to access the Portfolio Funding Status Report.
Jira Align BI Enhancements and Features
Release Highlights
We added Value Streams, including Process Steps and mappings to work items.
We added new tables for Canvas.
We added a new table for Hypothesis.
We updated the Dependency table to include Date Committed By.
We expanded the Story History table to include all columns.
We fixed an issue for the Success Criteria Log and the Goal Log tables, where the records were mismatched.
Platform Improvements
We extended row-level security.
We added data classification - flag columns containing information in the following categories: GDPR, Contact, Networking and Credential.
New Tables
Canvas object
- [Canvas ID] INT NOT NULL - Unique identifier for canvas.
- [Canvas Name] NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL - Descriptive text name.
- [Date Created] DATETIME NULL - Date record created.
- [FK User Owner ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [User].[User ID]
Canvas Block
Block within canvas
- [Canvas Block ID] INT NOT NULL - Unique identifier for canvas block
- [Canvas Block Name] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL - Text name for canvas block
- [Canvas Block Icon Name] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL - Icon name
- [Canvas Block X Position Value] INT NULL - relative positioning
- [Canvas Block Y Position Value] INT NULL - relative positioning
- [Canvas Block Width Value] INT NULL - sizing
- [Canvas Block Height Value] INT NULL- sizing
- [Canvas Block Background Color] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL - color code
- [FK Canvas ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [Canvas].[Canvas ID]
Canvas Block Item
Item within canvas block
- [Canvas Block Item ID] INT NOT NULL - Unique identifier for canvas block item
- [Canvas Block Item Name] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL - Text name for block
- [Canvas Block Item Link] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL - Link
- [Canvas Block Item State] NVARCHAR(20) NULL - State values ('Not Started', 'In Progress', 'Done')
- [FK Canvas Block ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign Key to [Canvas Block].[Canvas Block ID]
Hypothesis object for epic, capability and feature Value tab
- [Hypothesis ID] [int] NOT NULL - Unique identifier for hypothesis
- [Outcome Text] [nvarchar](250) NULL - Text description for outcome
- [Hypothesis Object Type] [nvarchar](50) NULL - Work item name to which this hypothesis is associated (based on your naming convention).
- [Metric Type] [varchar](9) NULL - Type of metric associated with the hypothesis values
- [Target Value] [bigint] NULL - Bet value for hypothesis
- [Cost to Research] [bigint] NULL - Cost to Research entered value
[Cost to Build] [bigint] NULL - Cost to Build entered value
- [Date Start] [date] NULL- Start date for hypothesis
[Date Target] [date] NULL - End date for hypothesis
- [FK Agile Object ID] [int] NOT NULL - Foreign Key to [Agile Object]
- [Agile Object ID] for associated work item type
- [FK Capability ID] [int] NOT NULL - Foreign Key to [Capability]. [Capability ID] (0 if not Capability Hypothesis)
- [FK Feature ID] [int] NOT NULL - Foreign Key to [Feature].[Feature
- ID] (0 if not Feature Hypothesis)
- [FK Epic ID] [int] NOT NULL - Foreign Key to [Epic].[Epic ID] (0 if not Epic Hypothesis)
- [FK Portfolio ID] [int] NOT NULL - Foreign Key to [Portfolio].[Portfolio ID] based on related work item portfolio
Process Step
Process step for value stream
- [Process Step ID] INT NOT NULL - Unique identifier for process step
[Process Step Name] NVARCHAR(100) NULL - Text name for process step
- [Process Step Type] NVARCHAR(20) NULL - Work item name to which this process step is associated (based on your naming convention)
- [Hours] INT NULL - Hours
- [Send Email Flag] NVARCHAR(3) NULL - Flag value Yes/No
- [Functional Area] NVARCHAR(200) NULL - Functional Area
- [State Name] NVARCHAR(50) NULL - State Name
- [Sort Order ID] INT NULL - Sort order for step
- [FK Value Stream ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign Key to [Value Stream].[Value Stream ID]
Process Step Exit Criteria
Exit criteria for value stream process step
- [Process Step Exit Criteria ID] INT NOT NULL - Unique identifier for exit criteria
- [Process Step Exit Criteria Name] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL - text name for exit criteria
- [FK Process Step ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign Key to [Process Step].[Process Step ID]
MAP Capability to Process Step
Mapping table for process step selected on capability
- [MAP Capability Process Step ID] INT NOT NULL - Unique identifier for process step item
- [Process Step Name] NVARCHAR(100) NULL - Text name of related process step
- [Process Step Type] NVARCHAR(20) NULL - Work item to which this process step is associated (based on your name for Capability)
- [FK Capability ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [Capability].[Capability ID]
- [FK Process Step ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [Process Step].[Process Step ID]
MAP Epic to Process Step
Mapping table for process step selected on epic
- [MAP Epic Process Step ID] INT NOT NULL - Unique identifier for process step item
- [Process Step Name] NVARCHAR(100) NULL - Text Name of related process step
- [Process Step Type] NVARCHAR(20) NULL - Work item to which this process step is associated (based on your name for Epic)
- [FK Epic ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [Epic].[Epic ID]
- [FK Process Step ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [Process Step].[Process Step ID]
MAP Feature to Process Step
Mapping table for process step selected on feature
- [MAP Feature Process Step ID] INT NOT NULL - Unique identifier for Process step item
- [Process Step Name] NVARCHAR(100) NULL - Text name of related process step
- [Process Step Type] NVARCHAR(20) NULL - Work item to which this process step is associated (based on your name for feature)
- [FK Feature ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [Feature].[Feature ID]
- [FK Process Step ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [Process Step].[Process Step ID]
MAP Story to Process Step
Mapping table for process step selected on story
- [MAP Story Process Step ID] INT NOT NULL - Unique identifier for process step item
- [Process Step Name] NVARCHAR(100) NULL - Text name of related process step
- [Process Step Type] NVARCHAR(20) NULL - Work item to which this process step is associated (based on your name for Story)
- [FK Story ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [Story].[Story ID]
- [FK Process Step ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [Process Step]
- [Process Step ID]
MAP Theme to Process Step
Mapping table for process step selected on theme
- [MAP Theme Process Step ID] INT NOT NULL - Unique identifier for process step item
- [Process Step Name] NVARCHAR(100) NULL - Text name of related process step
- [Process Step Type] NVARCHAR(20) NULL - Work item to which this Process Step is associated (based on your name for Theme)
- [FK Theme ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [Theme].[Theme ID]
- [FK Process Step ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [Process Step].[Process Step ID]
Value Stream
Value Stream object
- [Value Stream ID] INT NOT NULL - Unique identifier for value stream
- [Value Stream Name] NVARCHAR(200) NULL - Text name
- [Value Stream Type] NVARCHAR(20) NULL - Type value Operational/ Developmental
- [Value Stream Level] NVARCHAR(20) NULL - Work item name to which this value stream is associated (based on your naming convention)
- [Active Flag] NVARCHAR(3) NULL - Active Flag Yes/No
- [Map to State Flag] NVARCHAR(3) NULL - Flag if value stream is mapped to work item state Yes/No
- [Triggers] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL - Text for Triggers
- [Inputs] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL - Text for Inputs
- [Outputs] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL - Text for Outputs
- [Includes] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL - Text for Includes
MAP Value Stream to Customer
Mapping table for multi-valued assignment of customers
- [FK Value Stream ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [Value Stream].[Value Stream ID]
- [FK Customer ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [Customer].[Customer ID]
MAP Value Stream to Program
Mapping table for multi-valued assignment of programs
- [FK Value Stream ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [Value Stream].[Value Stream ID]
- [FK Program ID] INT NOT NULL - Foreign key to [Program].[Program ID]
Updated Tables
Added column
- [Date Committed By] [datetime] NULL - Date Committed By for dependency
Goal Log
Bug fix - Success Criteria Log items were incorrectly mapped to the Goal object. We corrected the mapping to reflect Goal changes. The log detail may refer to this as Item.
Added columns
- [Developmental Step] [nvarchar](100) NULL - Text lookup value for Developmental Step. This is the same content as the [Process Step] column, duplicated for clarity.
- [Operational Step] [nvarchar](100) NULL - Text lookup value for Operational Step
Story History
Added columns to capture the full table history.
- [Story Name] NVARCHAR(300) NULL
- [Story Description] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Design Assumptions] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Split Type] NVARCHAR(100) NULL
- [Split Reason] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL
- [Automation Status] NVARCHAR(100) NULL
- [Process Step] NVARCHAR(100) NULL
- [External Story Key] NVARCHAR(50) NULL
- [External Project Name] NVARCHAR(50) NULL
- [Developmental Step] [nvarchar](100) NULL
- [Operational Step] [nvarchar](100) NULL
- [Date Created] DATETIME NULL
- [Date Pending Approval] DATETIME NULL
- [Date Ready to Start] DATETIME NULL
- [Date In Progress] DATETIME NULL
- [Date Accepted] DATETIME NULL
- [Custom Text 1] NVARCHAR(250) NULL
- [Custom Text 2] NVARCHAR(250) NULL
- [Custom TextArea 1] NVARCHAR(max) NULL
- [Custom Dropdown 1] NVARCHAR(350) NULL
- [Custom Dropdown 2] NVARCHAR(350) NULL
- [Custom Dropdown 3] NVARCHAR(350) NULL
- [FK Custom Dropdown List 4] INT NOT NULL - Foreign Key to [Custom Field List].[FK Custom Field List ID]
- [FK Custom Dropdown List 5] INT NOT NULL - Foreign Key to [Custom Field List].[FK Custom Field List ID]
- [FK Split Story ID] [int] NOT NULL - Foreign Key to [Story].[Story ID]
- [FK Persona ID] [int] NOT NULL - Foreign Key to [Persona].[Persona ID]
- [FK Tag List ID] INT NULL - Foreign Key to [Tag List].[FK Tag List ID]
Success Criteria Log
Bug fix - Success Criteria Log items were incorrectly mapped to the Goal object. We corrected the mapping to reflect success criteria changes in the proper table. The log detail may refer to this as Goal for certain types of updates.
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