This article describes the objectives tree experience. For information about the updated OKR hub, click here.
About this report
The Objectives Tree report provides a visual representation of hierarchy between related objectives and their overarching strategic goals. You can see parent and child relationships between objectives and goals, linked together in either a list or a family tree view. To switch between views, select the family tree view or the list view button in the upper-left of the page.
To navigate to the objectives tree:
- Select Strategy, Portfolios, Solutions, Programs, or Teams in the top navigation bar.
- If you've selected Strategy, Portfolios, Solutions, Programs, or Teams in the top navigation bar, select the entity you want to view the objectives tree about.
- On the sidebar, select Objectives tree in the list of options; the objectives tree displays.
List view
To view the strategic goal and objective hierarchy, use the tabs at the top of the page to select an objective or goal level.
In the main section of the page, objectives and goals at the selected level display as items in a list. If an objective or goal has child objectives or goals, you can click the arrow next to its name to display them.
The following objective and goal information displays as columns in the list. Columns can be displayed or hidden using the Columns Shown option in the upper-right of the page:
- Name and description
- Key Results
- Scores
- Percent of target achieved
- Owner
- Number of aligned objectives or goals
- Key Result Progress: Color-coded bar, displays the percentage of completed key results.
- Work Progress: Color-coded bar. On goals, displays the percentage of completed stories related to the goal. On objectives, displays the percentage of completed work items directly tied to the objective.
- Score: Displays the score for the objective or goal. Objectives that haven’t had a baseline value set or progress recorded on key results will display a score of N/S (not scored).
- Status
- Health
- Target Completion
Parent objectives and goals in the tree can also be filtered by status, health, target completion date, and/or owner using the Apply Filters button. Filtering does not affect child objectives and goals.
Click the name of any objective, goal, or key result to view and edit details.
Family tree view
Select an existing objective or goal from the Choose Root dropdown menu in the upper-left of the page to display, along with any child and parent objectives and goals.
To narrow the selectable options, you can click the different tabs at the top of the page. Each tab narrows the options in the Choose Root dropdown to only the selected objective or goal level. The tabs do not affect the hierarchy displayed on the Objectives Tree once a root has been selected.
On the left side of the page, the full hierarchy of the selected objective or goal, as well as the objective and goal scores will display in text format. Objectives that haven’t had a baseline value set or progress recorded on key results will display a score of N/S (not scored). Click any of the highlighted names to open its Details slide-out panel.
The main section of the page displays the hierarchy of objectives and goals in the form of cards. If the selected objective or goal does not have any parents or children, it will display as the only item in the tree. Within each card, you can view the objective or goal score, name, owner’s profile image, number of aligned (child) objectives/goals, and number of key results. Click the name of any card to open the Details slide-out.
Progress against any key results is represented with a blue bar at the top of each card. This is the cumulative progress against all key results.
When hovering over a card, use the green arrows on each edge of the card to hide or show peer, child, and parent objectives/goals. This allows you to shrink or expand the tree:
Click to play animation
For objectives or goals to be available in the Choose Root dropdown, they must be in the portfolio, program, PI, etc selected in the Configuration bar at the top of the page.
How are report values calculated?
Progress bars at the top of cards are based off the metrics reported in the Key Results section of an objective or goal’s Details slide-out. If only one key result is present, the progress bar will match the one found in the Details slide-out. If there are multiple key results, the bar will represent the average total progress. For example, if key result A has completed 0%, result B 50%, and result C 100%, the progress bar would be about halfway, or 50%.
How to interpret this report
Use this report to visualize the relationship between objectives and goals you’ve set at different levels of your organization, and ensure that child objectives and goals are written in such a way that they inform the next level above. View the progress bars at the top of each card to quickly scan completion status.
To see how objectives and their results relate to the bigger picture, access the value engineering report via the button in the upper-right corner of the page.
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