Configure progress bars

Progress bars reflect the amount of work completed for several items (either by story points or by count) over a calculated time period.

To configure the display of your progress bars:

  1. Select the Settings gear Gear in the top navigation bar.
  2. On the left side of the page, select Platform in the Settings section.
  3. Select the Portfolio tab.
  4. On the Portfolio tab, select the Manage Here link next to Progress Bars.

The Progress Bars Setup modal displays. Here, you can configure the following options:

  • Progress Bar Status: Select how your progress will be determined in Jira Align. Select Progress by Story Points to calculate progress according to the number of completed story points for work items. Progress by Count calculates progress according to completed child work items.

    The following table provides a detailed look at how time periods and progress are determined for each item type:


Time Period

Progress by Story Points

Progress by Count


Strategic snapshot date range

Completed story points

Completed themes

Program Increment

PI dates

Completed story points

Completed features

Release Vehicle ID

Release vehicle start to release vehicle end date

Completed story points

Completed features


Sprint start to sprint end date

Completed story points

Completed stories


First day of the earliest PI to the last day of the latest PI

Completed story points

Completed epics + completed standalone features


First day of the earliest PI to the last day of the latest PI

Completed story points

Completed capabilities if capabilities are enabled; completed features if capabilities are disabled


First day of the earliest PI to the last day of the latest PI

Completed story points

Completed features


PI dates

Completed story points

Completed stories


PI dates

Completed task hours

Completed tasks






  • Progress View Type: Choose how you would like your progress to be displayed, either as progress bars or progress dials.
  • Progress Alert Thresholds: As time elapses for your items, you can choose for mouseover alerts to display if a minimum percentage of completed work is not met. For example, you may want a message to appear if less than 35 percent of work is completed after 50% of a period has passed.

    The percentages at the top of the columns reflect time elapsed in a period. In each Time Elapsed column, enter the amount of work completed in order to hide late and warning messages. 
  • Progress Alert On: Select which items you would like to enable progress alerts for by selecting the check boxes next to each item type. 




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