Bug fix release notes for

The bug fix release was deployed to environments on the continuous release track on September 6, 2024. Bug fix releases contain high-priority fixes for any reported issues and for features deployed in version 11.3.X.

Rollback of Jira connector sprint logic

In this release, we completed the rollback of a previously-delivered Jira connector enhancement in order to prevent unintended changes to story and defect sprint assignments in Jira. 

Because a specific combination of settings and actions in Jira Align would cause the unintended sprint changes to occur, you are unlikely to have encountered this scenario. Review our full announcement to understand if you may have been affected.

Bug fixes

Internally-found issues

  • SQL injection vulnerability potential related to the teams page was identified and closed.
  • When updating themes associated with multiple programs, if a non-Super Admin user removed a single program association, the audit log would erroneously display an audit log message that other programs were also removed.
  • On themes, if a non-Super Admin user didn't have access to one or more programs listed in the Program dropdown, those program assignments would be removed one-by-one from the dropdown when selecting the dropdown and then selecting Save.
  • On the dependencies page, all epic and capability dependencies would display when filtering the grid by team as a Super Admin.
  • On the forecast page, navigating to the page for a solution and then expanding a program increment as a non-Super Admin user would cause an Error on server message to display.
  • On the capacity page, stand-alone features would be included in the Forecast versus capacity bar when the Show stand-alone features toggle was disabled.


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