Set up Jira connector team mappings with the API 2.0

You can now sync team information from Jira Align with a built-in Atlassian teams field, using the API 2.0:

  • Jira Cloud: Team team picker field
  • Jira Data Center: Shared Teams field

To create a team mapping with the API 2.0, send a POST call to align/api/2/Connectors/{ConnectorId}/TeamMappings, using your own Jira Align and Jira team ID to map the teams with one another in the request body:


    "teamId": 1, // Jira Align team ID

    "externalTeamId": "team-id-1", // Jira built-in team ID

"alternateName": "mapping name" // OPTIONAL - mapping name for easier reference


Perform the API call for each new mapping that needs to be created.

If needed, you can edit or delete team mappings. First, locate the team mapping ID you’d like to edit using a GET call to align/api/2/connectors/1/teamMappings/.
To edit a team mapping, use a PUT call to the URL of the mapping you’d like to edit, for example:


Replace with your own instance URL, and 35 with the team mapping ID. Use the request body to change mapping information, similar to creating a new mapping.

To delete a team mapping, use a DELETE call to the URL of the mapping you’d like to delete. No request body is needed to delete a team mapping.

For more details, check out the ExternalTeamMapping resource in our Swagger documentation at /rest/align/api/docs/index.html

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