Hide accepted work items in backlog

To help your team focus on work that has not been completed yet, and to enhance backlog performance, you can opt to automatically hide work items once they are accepted. If you enable this setting, accepted features will no longer appear in the column and list views, but will remain visible in the state and value stream views.

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You have the flexibility to configure this setting either at the platform level or for a specific portfolio. Changes made at the platform level will apply to all portfolios except those with a custom configuration. For example, if you deactivate this setting for Portfolio-A and subsequently enable it for the platform, Portfolio-A will maintain its custom configuration.

Platform-level configuration

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  • From main navigation, open Settings.
  • From side navigation, select Platform.
  • Select the Portfolio tab.
  • Select Accepted items in backlog: Manage here.
  • Use the dropdown menus to select Hide or Don’t hide for the when (a) no PIs are selected and (b) some PIs are selected.
  • Select Apply.

Portfolio-specific configuration

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  • As above, navigate to Settings > Platform > Portfolio tab.
  • From the bottom of the page, select Portfolio Specific Configuration.
  • Choose a portfolio from the dropdown menu, and scroll down to the Manage accepted work items section at the bottom.
  • As above, use the dropdown menus to select Hide or Don’t hide for the when (a) no PIs are selected and (b) some PIs are selected.
  • Select Save settings.

Work item types

Currently, you can only hide features. 

Configuration options

You have the flexibility to hide work items based on various filtering scenarios. This includes hiding work items when all program increments (PIs) are selected or when specific PIs are chosen. For example, you can opt to hide accepted items when all PIs are selected and show them when only some PIs are chosen.

Impact on ranking

Hidden items will maintain their ranking to ensure consistency across Jira Align. In cases where two items share the same rank and one is accepted while the other is not, the accepted item will be ranked higher.

Impact on load calculations

This setting will not influence estimated and actual workload calculations.

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