Hotfix notes for

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Due to the nature of continuous software development, some changes are applied to environments outside of our normal release schedule. In order to urgently remedy reported issues, the following changes were added to version via a hotfix, which will be deployed to environments on the bundled release track on the evening of Friday, April 19.

Defect fixes

  • Resolved a portfolio room performance issue seen in some environments by creating a feature toggle that will disable the theme PI progress widget. If you are experiencing excessive load times in the portfolio room, contact Jira Align Support to have the toggle enabled. A more permanent fix is being investigated and will be released in a future version. 
  • Resolved an issue with performance seen on some customer environments when loading dependencies on the dependencies grid page and program room.
  • Resolved an issue where some features were duplicated on the program board.
Key Summary
JIRAALIGN-6836 Portfolio Epic > Description field: Existing Line breaks removed after enabling the new Rich text editor on epics
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