Promote/convert a backlog work item to a parent work item

In Jira Align, you can promote working items to a higher rank. For example, you can promote stories to features or epics and features to epics.

  • Story converting to a feature: All stories shown are stories that are either in progress or not started. Stories can be marked as either a parent or as children in the conversion process. The story selected as a parent is converted to a feature, while stories selected as children are mapped to the new feature created. This process deletes all tasks and time associated with the converted story.  Also, with the current functionality, please note that the Jira Project and Summary fields do not carry over!
  • Story converting to an epic: All stories shown are stories that are either in progress or not started.Stories can be marked as either a parent or as children in the conversion process. The story selected as a parent is converted to an epic, while the stories selected as children are converted to features. This process deletes all tasks and time associated with converted stories.
  • Feature converting to an epic: All features shown are features that are either in progress or not started. The selected parent feature is converted to an epic, while the children features are mapped to the new epic. All stories (not started or in progress) that are mapped to the parent feature will be converted to features and mapped to the new epic. Additional programs selected for the feature will be copied to its parent. This process deletes all tasks and time associated with converted stories. If any story has tasks, the tasks will be added to the Description field in the converted object.

As an example, this topic describes the procedure of promoting features. Promote features from the features page:

  1. Select Programs in the top navigation bar and select the program you want to view features for.
  2. On the sidebar, select Features in the list of options; the features page displays.

To promote a feature:

  1. On the features page, select Promote from the More Actions menu on the toolbar (top-right of the page).
  2. Select Feature as an object, and then select a PI and a program.
  3. Under Parent, select the feature you want to promote to a parent epic.
  4. Under Child, select the checkboxes of the features which will be child features of the parent epic.
  5. Select Convert To Epic.
  6. Select OK in the confirmation message.
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