Conduct a retrospective meeting

A retrospective meeting is a periodic progress review and reflection by the team to collect ideas to improve the process. Retrospective meetings are held by Agile teams after each sprint to gather the team’s feedback.

Important: An administrator must enable both the Retrospectives and Team Meetings system role permissions for system roles that need to run retrospectives. 

Run a retrospective from the team meetings page:

  1. Select Teams in the top navigation bar and select the team you want to view information about.
  2. On the sidebar, select Team meetings in the list of page options; the team meetings page displays.

To conduct a retrospective meeting:

  1. On the team meetings page, select Retrospective from the dropdown menu, and then select the start and end dates of the sprint for which you want to run the meeting.
  2. Note: You can also start a retrospective by clicking the Retrospectives button on the top-right of the page.
  3. Click Start Meeting for the appropriate sprint, select a PI and a sprint from the corresponding dropdown menus in the dialog box, and then click Start A Retrospective.
  4. The meeting begins and other team members may join it. The meeting’s creator will be automatically assigned as its facilitator; they will be responsible for running the meeting and ultimately selecting a plan for the team to take in the next sprint. However, the facilitator role may be passed at any time to another team member attending the retrospective. To pass the role, select the Pass Facilitator Role button in the top-right, and then select the name of the team member in the participant list that appears.
  5. Under Missing Members on the left, you can view the team members who are not present at the meeting.
    Note: You can communicate with your team members by typing a message in the box at the bottom of the page and clicking Chat.
  6. On the table image, click Start the Retro. The clock shows a time limit for discussion, but you can restart it in case you need more time.
  7. Under Review Prior Sprint, review any previous sprints your team has if any, and then click Advance To The Next Step.
  8. Under Poll Sentiment and Poll Results, vote with the cards at the bottom of the page, and then click Go To The Next Step.
  9. Under Discuss Splits, type reasons for the story splits and ideas about how to avoid splits in the future in the boxes at the bottom of the page, and then click Advance To The Next Step.
    Note: You can open the split stories to view their details and the reasons they were split.
  10. Under Gather Feedback, type what went well and what did not go well in the boxes at the bottom of the page. After everyone is done, discuss the collected feedback, and then proceed to the next meeting step.
  11. Under Make Suggestions, type your idea about how to improve performance or overall team satisfaction in the box at the bottom of the page, and then click Propose This Idea. After everyone is done, proceed to the next meeting step.
  12. Under Vote On Actions, vote on each idea, and then click Advance To The Next Step
    Note: All votes are confidential.
  13. Under Agree On Plan, click the round red icon next to the score if you want to accept it for the next sprint.
  14. Under Meeting Steps on the left, select Final Report.
  15. Click End The Retrospective to view the results of the meeting (see the View the retrospective summary section) or click View Meeting Summary to open a short summary with the main milestones of the meeting.
    Note: Team Sentiment and Team Performance poll results are not included in the View Meeting Summary panel, but can be found in the Retrospective Summary report once the retrospective meeting has ended.
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