Create a lean process library

With the lean process option, you can create a library to share your process documents, checklists, and guidance in.

Create a lean process library on the lean process page:

  1. Select Strategy, Portfolios, Solutions, Programs, or Teams in the top navigation bar.
  2. If you've selected Portfolios, Solutions, Programs, or Teams in the top navigation bar, select the entity you want to create a lean process library for.
  3. On the sidebar, select More pages in the list of options.
  4. Select Lean process; the lean process page displays.

To add lean process documentation:

  1. On the lean process page, select the Add New Content button on the toolbar (top-right of the page).
  2. Type the content title, content link, and content description.
  3. Select the content type and whether it is a featured content.
  4. Click Save Content.

Note: You can edit the documentation by clicking the pencil icon next to the necessary document.

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