Create agile teams


An Agile team is related to one program, and members of the team can access all the team’s data and view work for other teams in the same program.

Create a team as a group with appropriate roles that are replicated to every sprint so that you can ensure roles, allocations, and role-specific actions are all tracked and aligned properly. Team members, their roles and allocations are copied to each sprint. Any changes—a member added or deleted, or allocations changed—will update all sprints that are not in the In Development or Completed states. These changes will apply only to sprints with default settings and not the ones that were changed manually on a sprint level. Likewise, any changes made to a sprint will update the team.

Create an Agile team on the teams page:

  1. Select Teams in the top navigation bar and select any team.
  2. On the sidebar, select More items in the list of page options.
  3. Select Teams; the teams page displays.

To create an Agile team:

  1. On the teams page, select the Add Team button on the toolbar (top-right of the page).
  2. From the Type drop-down menu, select Agile Team. All team types have different capabilities, but many restrict the ability to assign work at the team level. To ensure the Agile and Scrum teams have full functionality, it is recommended that you select the Agile Team type.
  3. Type your team’s name and the description of the team’s main focus and responsibilities.
  4. Type the team’s short name. The short name must consist of only 5 characters (for example, INCRD for Incredibles).
  5. Type the sprint prefix, which will be used during sprint creation.
    Note: You can find information on a sprint prefix here.
  6. Select the program you want to tie the team to.
  7. From the Burn Hours drop-down menu, select the daily maximum hours expected for story points.
  8. Select the region the team belongs to and operates in.
  9. From the Track By dropdown, select a method for tracking the team’s work: Points or Hours.  This setting will affect how a story’s Accepted Spend financial value is calculated. Selecting hours will calculate the cost of team members’ contributions using task hours they reported within a story. Selecting points will calculate cost using the effort points estimated on a story.
  10. Select if you want to allow task deletion from active sprints. Allowing team members to delete tasks may affect the burndown and team capacity.
  11. Select if you want to allow the team to run standups, and then click Save.

To add members to an Agile team:

  1. On the Members tab, select the necessary team members to add to your team.
  2. Under Team Roles, select the role for each team member. Team roles are copied to all sprints of this team automatically.
  3. Click Save.

To set up allocations:

  1. Select Allocations from the list on the right side of the slide-out panel.
  2. In the Team Allocations dialog box, set up allocations for each team member.
  3. Click Save, and then close the dialog box. Allocations are retained as the default allocations for all team members and are copied to all sprints of this team.
  4. Open the Sprints tab, and then select the checkboxes next to the sprints for which you want to set up allocations.
  5. Click Copy Allocations, and then close the slide-out panel.


  • Allocations may be overwritten at the sprint level on the sprint capacity page. When changed, these apply only to the sprint(s) in which the changes were made.
  • Team members who have allocations in other teams will have an information icon next to their name. Click this icon to view detailed allocations the users have for other teams.
  • Users who were not previously part of the team will be added to the team and sprint with 0% allocation when they log time against a task. This will also occur when task time is synced through the Jira connector, if the Settings > Jira Settings > Jira Setup > Allow Jira to add users to teams if they belong to an issue setting is set to Yes.
  • Set the Active field in a team’s Details slide-out to No to make the team inactive. Inactive teams can no longer be assigned to work items during creation or editing, but previous assignments will continue to display. Inactive teams will not be available in page filters or the Configuration bar. Historical team data will continue to display when running reports, but the team cannot be specified in report filters or settings.
  • To delete a team, select a checkbox next to the team you want to delete, and then select Delete from the More Actions menu on the toolbar. Deleting a team will also delete the data related to the team and could affect metrics related to that team's work over time.
  • The Email Column and Icon within the Teams Grid will provide users with the email addresses of Team members tied to each role including All Team Members, Scrum Masters, QA Leads, Product Owners, Analysts, and Stakeholders.

See also

Team types overview

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