Create tasks

A task is a unit of work the team performs to deliver a backlog item that is estimated in hours. Tasks are assigned to stories to track their progress. Task types vary and reflect the work of the main teams: development, QA, and documentation. After all tasks are finished, you can close the story and mark it as Done.

Create tasks from any page with the Create button. Otherwise, create tasks from the tasks page:

  1. Select Team in the top navigation bar and select the team you want to create tasks for.
  2. On the sidebar, select More items in the list of options.
  3. Select Tasks; the tasks page displays.

To create a task:

  1. On the tasks page, select the Add Task button in the upper-right.
    In the slide-out panel that displays, add the task’s name, state, associated story, and the number of effort hours needed.
  2. Optionally, edit the task’s type, blocked status, automation status, and owner.
  3. Select Save & Close.

You also have the ability to create new tasks within a story from the story’s Details panel. This is useful for breaking down functionality of a story into tasks for execution.

Note: Add at least two tasks to each story to create a proper hierarchy.

You can configure custom fields on tasks to better suit your needs and establish a more comprehensive work process. You can control what fields are required and what fields to display in slide-out panels. Admins may access Details Panels Settings to configure default and custom fields.

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