Create products

You can add products to Jira Align to manage and report on a backlog of work by product and product line.

Create products from the products page:

  1. Select Products in the top navigation bar.
  2. On the sidebar, select Products in the list of options; the products page displays.

To create a product:

  1. On the products page, select the Add Product button on the toolbar (top-right of the page).
  2. Add a product’s full and short names in the corresponding boxes.
  3. Set the product to active or inactive. Active and inactive states mean that the product is available or unavailable for selection on the top navigation bar and sidebar.
  4. Select an organization structure to which the product belongs, and then set the parent product for this product.
  5. Select Save. Additional sections appear:

    • Tie personas to the product.
    • Associate products with roadmap detached instances.
  6. Select Save & Close.


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