Program allocation

About this report

With the program allocation report, you can review the load of all teams in your program to understand the distribution/allocation of work. The report shows the planned versus accepted story points for each team by sprint. The Points Planned row shows the loaded story points for a sprint, while the Points Accepted row shows the accepted story points for a sprint. Also, you can view the Avg Team Velocity value for each team.

The Program Totals table at the top of the report shows the total story points loaded in the sprint for all teams. The Total Avg Team Velocity for all teams is also displayed.

To navigate to this report:

  1. Select Portfolios or Programs in the top navigation bar and select the entity you want to view information about.
  2. On the sidebar, select Reports in the list of options.
  3. Select Program allocation; the report displays.


  1. Program must be created.
  2. PI must exist in the system and be tied to a program. 
  3. Team must be created, with users assigned. 
  4. Sprints must be created and tied to a PI. 
  5. Stories, with point values, must be created and assigned to sprints.

How are report values calculated?

Points Planned row color and calculations:

Hover over a cell to view the Sprint Load.

Sprint Load % = ((Points Planned) / (Average Team Velocity)) * 100

  • White = 0-1% 
  • Yellow = 2-89% 
  • Olive = 90-99% or 101-104% 
  • Green = 100% 
  • Red = 105% or more

Points Accepted rows do not change color.

How to interpret this report

Use the report to view the team's performance and determine if the workload is evenly distributed among teams, identify the teams that are overloaded and the teams that are underallocated, and adjust the workload as necessary. 

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