Status report (epic/stand-alone feature)

About this report

The status report (epic/stand-alone feature) is a drill down of the status report main views, Financial and Status. The report isolates specific epics and stand-alone features that are tied to your portfolios. 

To navigate to this report:

  1. Select Portfolios, Solutions, or Programs in the top navigation bar and select the entity containing the epic or stand-alone feature you want to view the report about.
  2. On the sidebar, select Reports in the list of page options.
  3. Select Status reports.

There are two ways to access these reports on the status reports page:

  1. Click on an epic or stand-alone feature listed within a status report.
  2. Select an epic or stand-alone feature from main status reports menu.

These reports display in the form of a data table, are aimed at the PMO and executives of your company.


  1. A parent organization must be created.
  2. A portfolio must be created and tied to a parent organization. 
  3. A program must be created and tied to a portfolio. 
  4. A theme must be created and tied to a PI and program.
  5. PI must exist in the system, and be tied to a program. 
  6. Epics must be created and tied to a program and theme. 
  7. Features must be created and tied to the PI; data must be added to the Financial tab. 
  8. Stories, with point values, must be created and tied to features. 

How are report values calculated? 


 Epic values are pulled from the epics page/Epics panel.

  1. Epic name = Click Edit to open the epic’s page, where you can edit the information about the epic. On the epic’s page in the list on the right, click Status Report to get back to the report’s page.
  2. Description = A short description of an epic.
  3. Status = Click the square to set the current health status: on track, some risk, or high risk.
  4. Health = Click any health icon to set the current health status of your project.
  5. Progress = Progress is driven from the number of story points accepted for stories belonging to the epic.
  6. Schedule = Process steps reflect the process flow, with the Portfolio Ask date, the Start/Initiation date, and the Target Completion date as entered on the Time/Skills tab of the epic’s page. Key dates also reflect the dates as entered on the Time/Skills tab of the epic’s page.
  7. Days remaining = Calculated based on the days remaining until the target completion date.
  8. Entered funnel = The date when the project entered a funnel, which is the date when the epic is created.
  9. Start/initiation date = This date indicates when an epic will start. It is used to do the strategic planning activities more effectively. This is not the actual start date of the epic based on when the first story is done. This is the target start date based on intentions of the person submitting the epic.
  10. Target completion date = This date indicates what the target completion date is. It is used to do the strategic planning activities more effectively. It reflects the date the scheduler believes an epic can actually be completed (versus the Portfolio Ask date which is the date the business wants the epic to be delivered).
  11. Portfolio ask date = This date is set early in the process by the portfolio groups when they do their planning to request the delivery date for an epic.
  12. Intake Form fields = The intake form is used to store additional information about an epic. This is the information your organization wants to collect about every project. The data is taken from the Intake Form tab on the epic’s page.

Additionally, the epic report includes the acceptance and success criteria, objectives, risks, and dependencies the epic has, as well as the features (and capabilities) associated with this epic. You can also enter additional notes to display on the status report in the Notes field (up to 2,000 characters long).

Stand-alone features

Stand-alone feature values are pulled from the features page/Features panel.

  1. Stand-alone feature name = Click Edit to open the stand-alone feature's page, where you can edit the information about the stand-alone feature.
  2. Description = A short description of a stand-alone feature.
  3. Status = Click the square to set the current health status: on track, some risk, or high risk.
  4. Progress = Progress is driven from the number of story points accepted for stories belonging to a stand-alone feature.
  5. Days remaining = Calculated based on the days remaining until the target completion date.
  6. Entered funnel = The date when the project entered a funnel, which is the date when the epic is created.
  7. Start/initiation date = This date indicates when a stand-alone feature will start. It is used to do the strategic planning activities more effectively. This is not the actual start date of the stand-alone feature based on when the first story is done. This is the target start date based on intentions of the person submitting the epic.
  8. Target completion date = This date indicates what the target completion date is. It is used to do the strategic planning activities more effectively. It reflects the date the scheduler believes a stand-alone feature can actually be completed (versus the Portfolio Ask date which is the date the business wants the stand-alone feature to be delivered).
  9. Portfolio ask date = This date is set early in the process by the portfolio groups when they do their planning to request the delivery date for a stand-alone feature.

Additionally, the stand-alone feature report includes the acceptance criteria, objectives, risks, and dependencies the stand-alone feature has, as well as the stories associated with this stand-alone feature. You can also enter additional notes to display on the status report in the Notes field (up to 2,000 characters long).

 How to interpret this report

Executives should use the data in the reports to review overall status of epics and stand-alone features in a portfolio. The primary focus should include an evaluation of schedule, budget, risk, scope, quality, and progress. Project managers can use the data from the Intake Form fields on the epic reports during the executive meetings. 

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