Status report (status view)

About this report

The Status Report (Status View) displays a roll-up of your portfolios over time at multiple levels of detail—by organization, portfolio, program, theme, program increment, release vehicle, and epic. The reports have two views: Financial and Status. This article covers the Status view.

In the Status view, you can see a list of projects with health indicators, and track budget, people, quality, risk/issues, and schedule. You can filter the status report either by PI dates or by a specific date range. Filtering by PI dates is based on the PI selected on sidebar (new navigation only) or the Configuration bar (old navigation only). If PI selection is set to all PIs, the report will filter by the selected program regardless of a PI.

These reports display in the form of a data table, are aimed at the PMO and executives of your company.

To navigate to this report:

If you’re using the new navigation:

  1. Select Portfolios, Solutions, or Programs in the top navigation bar and select the entity you want to view the report about.
  2. On the sidebar, select Reports in the list of page options.
  3. Select Status reports.

If you’re using the old navigation:

  1. Select the Reports icon from the left Nav menu.
  2. Start typing the report's name in the Search box.
  3. Once found, select the report.
    Note: You can also use the categories on the left to search for the needed reports.


  1. A parent organization must be created.
  2. A portfolio must be created and tied to a parent organization.
  3. A program must be created and tied to a portfolio. 
  4. A theme must be created and tied to a PI and program. 
  5. PI must exist in the system, and be tied to a program. 
  6. Epics must be created and tied to a program and theme.
  7. Features must be created and tied to the PI; data must be added to the Financial tab. 
  8. Stories, with point values, must be created and tied to features. 

How are report values calculated? 

  1. Stoplight: The image with four colored blocks, displayed in the upper-right of the page. This provides a summary of the status of epics with a state of Not Started or In Progress. Epics that have been given a subjective status (by clicking on the status column) are counted in either the green, yellow, or red blocks. The blue block displays the count and percentage of non-accepted epics that have not been given a status.
  2. Status: Ongoing health of the epic as defined by the user. Click the Status cell of an epic to assign a status of On Track, Some Risk, or High Risk. This is a subjective evaluation based on the opinion of the epic owner that is designed to supplement the metrics-based data generated by Jira Align. The past six status evaluations entered by users display in the cell as small cards. 
  3. Rank: The rank of the epic as defined on the backlog, relative to the current filter being set.
  4. Start / Initiation: This date indicates when the project will start. Start/Initiationis the target date that the development team intends to begin work on the project. This date is not tied to the actual work objects and the sprints or PIs they are associated to.
  5. Target Completion: The target date as defined on the epic's page. It is used to do the strategic planning activities more effectively. It reflects the date the scheduler believes an epic can actually be completed (versus the Portfolio Ask date which is the date the business wants the epic to be delivered).
  6. Portfolio Ask: The Portfolio Ask date as requested by the business owner during the planning process. This date is set early in the process by the portfolio groups when they do their planning to request the delivery date for an epic.
  7. State: The high-level state of the epic as defined by Not Started, In Progress, or Accepted.
  8. Step: The developmental process step in the process flow the epic is currently in.
  9. Value: The value of the epic on a scale of 1-100 as defined on the Details tab on the epic's page.
  10. Mode: The planning mode set on the epic or capability's Spend tab.
  11. Owner: The owner of the project.
  12. Health: The health of the project as subjectively measured by five key indicators: budget, people, quality, risks, and schedule.
  13. Progress: The overall progress of the epic as measured by the percent of defined story points completed to date.
  14. Risks: The number of open risks associated with the project.
  15. Strategy: The strategy the epic is associated with.
  16. Driver: The driver the project is associated with (Strategic Driver for epics or Financial Driver for stand-alone features).
  17. Theme: The theme the project is associated with.
  18. Budget: Budget for the project as entered on the Spend tab of the epic's details panel.
  19. MVP: Indicator to show if the epic is labeled MVP on the Details tab on the epic's page.
  20. Intake Form fields: The intake form is used to store additional information about an epic. This is the information your organization wants to collect about every project. The data is taken from the Intake Form tab on the epic’s page.
  21. Notes: User-defined notes to annotate the status report, up to 2000 characters long.


 How to interpret this report

Executives should use the data in the reports to review overall status of a portfolio, and various levels of hierarchy. The primary focus should include an evaluation of schedule, budget, risk, scope, quality, and progress. 

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