Estimation trend (program planning accuracy)

About this report

The estimation trend (program planning accuracy) report compares the cumulative planned versus actual for both effort (story points) and value (business value points) over a specified period.  The report displays the data in the form of a bar chart grouped by time period.  It is beneficial to review the report regularly to assist in making future work commitments and identify any negative trends early.

To navigate to this report:

  1. Select Programs in the top navigation bar and select the program you want to view information about.
  2. On the sidebar, select Reports in the list of options.
  3. Select Estimation trend (program planning accuracy); the report displays.


  1. PI must exist in the system and be tied to a program.
  2. Sprints must be created and tied to a PI. 
  3. Teams must be created and tied to a program. 
  4. Epic must be created and tied to PI. 
  5. Features must be created and tied to PI.
  6. Teams must be using story points.  
  7. Teams must be using business value points. 

How are report values calculated? 

  • Points planned: The sum of all effort points planned during the specified period. A story must be associated with a sprint before the sprint start date for its points to be included. 
  • Points accepted: The sum of all effort points accepted during the specified period.
  • Business value points planned: The sum of all value points planned during the specified period. A story must be associated with a sprint before the sprint start date for its points to be included. 
  • Business value points accepted: The sum of all points accepted during the specified period.


How to interpret this report

At the end of each PI at the program retrospective, this report should be reviewed to determine how teams are progressing as it relates to the previous reporting period.  This report will assist in future workload commitments and identify negative trends early to allow for adjustments to be made to greatly improve the chance of delivering on commitments.  In addition, this report provides the ability to quickly export the data for any ongoing status reporting.  

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