Velocity by team (trend)

About this report

The Velocity by Team (Trend) report shows the planned velocity versus actual velocity, by Level of Effort (LOE) points, for individual teams participating in a specified program. The report displays the data in the form of a line graph. The LOE point range is on the Y axis, and the sprints on the X axis. You have the option to view data for the last 3, 5, or 10 sprints. This report is designed to give a portfolio manager, Scrum Master, team leader, or release train engineer a high-level understanding of whether a team is on track.

It is beneficial to review the report with team members during pre- and post-PI meetings, general team meetings, and during sprint review meetings. This report is generated by selecting a target program and team. 

To navigate to this report:

  1. Select Teams in the top navigation bar and select the team you want to view information about.
  2. On the sidebar, select Reports in the list of options.
  3. Select Detailed team velocity (trend); the report displays.


  1. PI must exist in the system and be tied to a program.
  2. Sprints must be created and tied to a PI. 
  3. Teams must be created and tied to a program. 
  4. Stories must be created and tied to a sprint. 
  5. Tasks must be created and tied to stories. 

How are report values calculated? 

  • Planned Velocity: Sum of all effort points from stories assigned to the selected team for each sprint on the report. Stories must be associated with the sprint before the sprint start date for their effort points to be included. 
  • Actual Velocity: Sum of all effort points from accepted stories assigned to the selected team for each sprint on the report. 
  • Average Velocity: Calculated as (Actual Velocity) / (number of sprints displayed on the report)
  • Average High Velocity: Average Velocity + Velocity Range.
  • Average Low Velocity: Average Velocity - Velocity Range.

Note: Velocity Range is set up manually in team settings.


How to interpret this report

It is a common misconception that you want velocity to continually increase. The sign of a healthy, stable organization and team is that velocity remains steady. If you see many peaks and valleys, this shows that your teams may not be stable (for example, you engage members in other work continuously), or that you work estimation is not accurate (for example, stories are too large).

If there are wide fluctuations in the actual velocity, that indicates a poor level of predictability in scope of work that can be expected to be delivered. An ideal team velocity remains steady.

It is also desired that a team becomes more predictable over time. A narrowing of the gap between planned and actual velocity over time is a sign that a team is becoming more mature.

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