About this report
With the investment vs. spend report, you can view program increment funding allocations and the accepted spend per theme in one view.
Select a portfolio, and then one or more program increments to generate the report. Alternatively, you may select a strategic snapshot from the dropdown field at the top of the page. When a snapshot is selected, data on the page includes all themes that are planned for PIs associated with the snapshot.
The Set theme guardrails button at the top of the page lets you set investment guardrails for themes planned in the PI.
Select the See Investment by Feature button to view the investment by feature report.
To navigate to this report:
- Select Portfolios in the top navigation bar and select the portfolio you want to view information about.
- On the sidebar, select Reports in the list of options.
- Select Investment vs. spend; the report displays.
- A PI must exist in the system, and be tied to a program.
- Themes must be created, tied to the PI, and have investment guardrails set up.
- Epics must be created and tied to themes and the PI.
- Features must be created and tied to epics and the PI.
- Stories, with effort point values, must be created and tied to features.
- At least one sprint must be completed with completed story points for at least one team.
- Team members must be assigned to the completed sprint(s) and have allocations set for the sprint(s).
- The team's Burn Hours field must be set to indicate the average daily hours a team member commits to task and story work.
- An hourly rate must exist. Depending on the Costing Method portfolio setting, either:
- A blended rate, which is entered on the PI's Details panel.
- Cost center rate, which is determined by the cost centers assigned to team members.
- PIs selected for the report must have funding allocated to them through the PI Funding field.
How are report values calculated?
PI Funding pie chart:
- Funding: The funding allocated for the program increment. Set this from the PI's Details panel in the PI Funding field.
- PI Funding Distribution: Percent of PI funding allocated to a theme in the selected PI(s). The theme's funding % is set through the Set theme guardrails button found at the top of the page.
- Theme Allotted Funding (PI): The dollar amount of PI funding reserved for the theme. This value is the PI's funding, set on its Details panel, multiplied the percent allocation set for the theme from the Set theme guardrails button.
Estimated Spend pie chart:
- Estimated Spend: Sum of Estimated Spend values from all features planned for the selected PI(s). Estimated Spend is calculated by multiplying each child feature's estimate by its primary program's current Program Spend per Point.
- PI Estimated Spend Distribution: The percentage of Estimated Spend from features parented by the theme, compared to the total Estimated Spend for the selected PI(s).
- Theme Estimated Spend (PI): The dollar amount of Estimated Spend from features parented by the theme for the selected PI(s).
Note: These values include stand-alone features.
PI Accepted Spend pie chart:
- PI Accepted Spend: Sum of Accepted Spend values from child stories planned for the selected PI(s). Accepted Spend is calculated by multiplying each child story's effort points estimate by the Team Spend per Point value from the sprint the story was delivered in.
- PI Accepted Spend Distribution: The percentage of Accepted Spend from stories parented by a theme, compared to the total Accepted Spend for the selected PI(s).
- Theme Accepted Spend: The dollar amount of Accepted Spend from stories parented by the theme for the selected PI(s).
Note: These values include stand-alone features.
Allocation and Investment and Spend columns
The Allocation and Investment and Spend column sections each contain three values:
- Budget: The percentage displayed under the Allocation section matches the percentage defined for the theme from the Set theme guardrails button. The amount displayed under the Investment and Spend section shows the percentage of allocation defined for the theme, multiplied by the PI's PI Funding field.
- Estimated Spend: The sum of Estimated Spend values from child features parented by the theme, displayed as a percentage (vs total Estimated Spend for the PI) in the Allocation section, and a dollar amount in the Investment and Spend section.
- Accepted Spend: The sum of Accepted Spend values from child stories parented by the theme, displayed as a percentage (vs total Accepted Spend for the PI) in the Allocation section, and a dollar amount in the Investment and Spend section.
Work columns
Columns in the Work column section display information on the counts of child epics and stories for each theme row:
- Epic: The count of epics parented by the theme and planned for the selected PI(s).
Stories: The count of stories parented by the theme and planned for the selected PI(s).
- Misaligned stories, those assigned to a sprint that does not belong to the selected PI(s), are not included.
Total PI Estimate: Sum of estimate values placed on epics and stand-alone features parented by the theme and planned for the selected PI(s). For epics, this is the estimate entered on the main tab of Details panels. The value is displayed in team/member weeks or points, depending on the estimation system used by the portfolio.
- If the estimation system is set to T-Shirt, the value will be displayed in team/member weeks
Points Planned: Sum of effort point estimates placed on stories parented by the theme and planned for the selected PI(s).
- Misaligned stories, those assigned to a sprint that does not belong to the selected PI(s), are not included.
- No Estimation: The count of epics and stories that do not have an estimate set on the main tab of the work item's Details panel.
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