Retrospective summary

About this report

The retrospective summary report is an overview of a retrospective meeting held after the sprint is finished. The report may be beneficial to Scrum Masters, team leaders and members, and product owners for reviewing the last sprint and outcomes. This report is generated by selecting a PI, team type, and sprint.

To navigate to this report:

  1. Select Teams in the top navigation bar and select the team you want to view information about.
  2. On the sidebar, select Reports in the list of options.
  3. Select Retrospective summaries; the report displays.


  1. PI must exist in the system and be tied to a program. 
  2. Sprints must be created and tied to the PI. 
  3. Teams must be created and tied to a sprint. 
  4. Retrospective meeting must be held. 

How are report values calculated? 

  • The Team shows the team members and indicates their participation in the retrospective meeting. A green tick shows the team member participated in a meeting and the number next to it reflects the number of feedback items submitted by that member during the meeting. The red icon shows the team member did not participate in a meeting.
  • Prior Sprint Experiments / Actions is a list of experiments and action items submitted during the previous retrospective meeting.
  • Team Sentiment score is based on the result of the team voting during the retrospective meeting. The question here is “How do you feel about the sprint?” Participants respond using a point scale of 1-5; the total is the sum of all vote values divided by the number of participants voting.
  • Team Performance score is based on the result of the team voting during the retrospective meeting. The question here is “How did the team perform?” Participants respond using a point scale of 1-5; the total is the sum of all vote values divided by the number of participants voting.
  • Split Story Analysis shows the number of split stories during a sprint. Split stories are the ones that cannot be finished in the sprint and had to be split into smaller parts for completion in a future sprint.
    • Reasons that the team had to Split stories lists the reasons the team members entered for splitting stories.
    • Things the team will do to avoid splits in the future lists the ideas the team members entered on how to avoid splitting stories.
  • Team Feedback:
    • What Went Well This Sprint: lists the things that team members entered for what they felt went well in the sprint.
    • What Did Not Go Well This Sprint: lists the things that team members entered for what they felt did not go well in the sprint.
  • Suggested Experiments / Actions (ranked) lists the ideas that team members wrote on how to improve the workflow, quality of the product, or anything else. Participants respond using a point scale of 1-10; the total is the sum of all vote values divided by the number of participants voting on each suggestion.
  • The Action Plan For Improvement lists the most voted ideas from Suggested Experiments / Actions that may be chosen to be implemented in the future.


How to interpret this report

This report provides feedback from the team on how they feel about their last sprint and identifies actions for improvement going forward. This Inspect and Adapt lessons learned practice provides a more comprehensive view of sprint results and the team spirit. It also gives you a valuable feedback from your team members about their sentiment and troubles they may have encountered during the sprint. A list of action items may help prevent the mistakes in the future and improve the quality of work in future sprints. 

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