Program increment defect trend

About this report

The program increment defect trend report displays daily counts of active, high and critical, opened, and closed defects for a selected sprint within a PI. Use this report to track opened versus closed defects in a sprint, as well as total active defects and critical/high defects per day. 

These reports can be used by Scrum Masters, team and QA managers, and QA/development staff to track defects during a sprint. It is beneficial to review the reports with team members during daily standup and sprint review meetings. 

To navigate to this report:

  1. Select Programs in the top navigation bar and select the program you want to view information about.
  2. On the sidebar, select Reports in the list of options.
  3. Select Program increment defect trend; the report displays.


  1. PI must exist in the system and be tied to a program. 
  2. Sprints must be created and tied to a PI. 
  3. Teams must be created and tied to a program. 
  4. Stories must be created and tied to a sprint. 
  5. Defects must be created and tied to stories. 

How are report values calculated?

  1. Defect counts (sums), states (opened, closed, active, etc.), and severity (critical, high, medium, low) are all pulled from the defects page/New Defect panel.


How to interpret this report

The graph displays the following four lines:

  • The blue line shows total count of active defects, plotted per day over the course of the sprint.
  • The black line shows the total count of defects closed on each day over the course of the sprint. This value is expressed as a negative number.
  • The green line shows the total count of defects opened each day over the course of the sprint.
  • The orange line shows the total count of critical and high active defects, plotted per day over the course of the sprint.

At the bottom of the graph, click the checkbox next to any of the lines listed above to toggle its display on the graph.

This report is a quick way to appraise the quality of the product mid-sprint. Generally, defects found mid-sprint should be rectified as soon as found, or at least by the close of the sprint. Ideally, this should result in a low number of active defects, with most or all defects being closed. Critical/high defects are the most severe and should be remedied first. It is not unusual for a few low-priority, cosmetic defects to remain open at the end of a sprint, as long as all of the critical/high defects have been resolved. Spotting the trends early can help planning for future sprints and PIs.

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