Story audit report

About this report

The story audit report shows which stories are associated with a PI as well as story status. The report is beneficial to Scrum Masters, team leaders and members, and product owners for assessing and tracking story progress during a PI. It is beneficial to review the report with team members during team ceremonies that take place during a PI, such as Sprint Review Meetings. This report is generated by selecting a specific PI, optionally within a specific program.

To navigate to this report:

  1. Select Programs in the top navigation bar and select the program you want to view information about.
  2. On the sidebar, select Reports in the list of options.
  3. Select Story audit report; the report displays.


  1. PI must exist in the system and be tied to a program. 
  2. Stories must be created and assigned to sprints. 
  3. Stories must be created and assigned to features. 

How are report values calculated? 

  • Story ID = ID of story in the selected PI; auto-assigned at story creation.
  • Story Name = Name of the story in the selected PI; created on the stories page/New Story panel.
  • Type = Type of story, such as user or defect; assigned on the stories page/New Story panel.
  • PI = PI in which the story resides; selected on the stories page/New Story panel.
  • Sprint = Sprint in which the story resides. You can assign this from the sprint details panel when performing sprint planning with the team.
  • Feature = Feature in which the story resides; assigned on the features page/New Feature panel.
  • Date Created = Date when the story was created; value is pulled from the stories page.
  • Pending Approval = Date when the story went to the Pending Approval state; value is pulled from the stories page.
  • In Progress = Date when the story went to the In Progress state; value is pulled from the stories page.
  • Dev Complete = Date when the story went to the Dev Complete state; value is pulled from the stories page.
  • Test Complete = Date when the story went to the Test Complete state; value is pulled from the stories page.
  • Accepted = Date when the story went to the Accepted state; value is pulled from the stories page.
  • Accepted By = Person who accepted the story; value is pulled from the stories page.


How to interpret this report

Early in a PI, stories will be in the Pending Approval state. As the PI progresses, stories should move through the approval process and advance through the In Progress, Dev Complete, and Test Complete states. Ultimately, at the end of the PI, all stories should be in the Accepted state. If a large number of stories are not in the Accepted state at the end of the PI, resources, story points, and sprint planning should be re-evaluated for the next PI--this also holds true if all stories are in the Accepted state well before the end of the PI. Use this report to achieve the goal of creating a development cadence, which will provide predictability and confidence in future work.  


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