Sprint coaching

About this report

The sprint coaching report (also known as a Sprint Wrap-Up report) details the team plan at the beginning of the sprint in contrast with the final result. The report is beneficial to Scrum Masters, team leaders and members, and product owners for assessing if the overall goal of the sprint was achieved. It may be beneficial to review the report with stakeholders during the sprint retrospective meeting.

The report contains several charts and graphs, outlined below:

  • Sprint Goal/Objectives shows the sprint goal and objectives, if any.
  • The Committed Plan details commitments made during sprint planning, including the number of user stories, initial task hours, and effort and value points.
  • The Core Team lists team members--click a photo to see their name and role.
  • The Statistics burndown chart shows how task hours are burned down in the sprint, compared to an ideal rate. Additional charts show points accepted by sprint, meeting attendance, and the rate of completion for tasks.
  • The Velocity chart displays the velocity for the team over the past several sprints. 
  • Standup Attendance displays the attendance at the interactive meeting available within Jira Align.
  • The Rate of Story Completion shows the Dev Complete stories in orange and the Test Complete stories in blue.
  • Under Sprint Story Progress, click Show Details to view the overall sprint story progress. You see the progress bars, story health, and acceptance criteria. Value points, effort points, and the total number of hours spent are also shown here.
  • The Final Score section of the report shows what actually is delivered in terms of stories, quality metrics, and uncompleted task hours.
  • The Weather Forecast shows how the team feels about upcoming sprints. The weather prediction is set using the interactive Sprint Review meeting within Jira Align.

To navigate to this report:

  1. Select Teams in the top navigation bar and select the team you want to view information about.
  2. On the sidebar, select Reports in the list of options.
  3. Select Sprint coaching; the sprint coaching report displays.


  1. PI must exist in the system, and be tied to a program.
  2. Teams must be created and tied to a program. 
  3. Sprints must be created for each team and tied to a PI. 
  4. Stories, with point values must be created. 
  5. Stories must be assigned to sprints. 
  6. Tasks must be created and assigned to stories.

How are report values calculated? 

  • Sprint Goal/Objectives: Sprint goals are defined in the Sprint Grid/New Sprint panel; sprint objectives are defined on the Milestones page.
  • The Committed Plan: All values in this section are calculated prior to the start of the sprint. After a sprint has begun, removing a story or story points will not reduce a value.
    • Stories Committed: The count of stories planned in the sprint.
    • Tasks Committed: The sum of task hours associated with stories planned in the sprint.
    • Plan Efficiency: The count of hours held in reserve for the sprint if the team performs faster than what is needed to complete all tasks within the sprint. To calculate this, an average burn hours per day rate is first determined. This is the number of hours loaded for tasks in the sprint divided by the configuration of the days in the Sprint Table (configured in team platform settings), and represents the burn per day that a team would need to complete all tasks by the end of the sprint. If the team is performing at a burn rate that is faster than the average, excess hours are then calculated from the team's actual burn rate daily and the value is dynamic depending on the actual burn rate.
    • Points Committed: The sum of level of effort (LOE) points from stories planned in the sprint.
    • Value Points Committed: The sum of level of value (LOV) points from stories planned in the sprint, prior to the first day of the sprint.
    • Acceptance Criteria Committed: The count of acceptance criteria entries from all stories planned in the sprint.
  • The Core Team: Team members, as defined in the teams page/New Team panel.
  • The Statistics: This section displays sprint statistics through four charts.
    • Burndown: The burndown line chart at the top of the section displays the hours remaining to burn, an ideal burn rate line, a capacity burndown, and a burn up.
    • Points Accepted by Sprint: Displays the number of LOE points accepted each sprint.
    • Standup Attendance: Displays a pie chart of present vs absent status for all team members for all team meetings held during the sprint.
    • Rate of Completion: Displays the number of dev tasks marked complete and QA tasks marked complete each day.
  • Sprint Story Progress: A view of the Sprint Progress Tracking Report, excluding status indicators.  
  • Final Score: Values in this section are calculated when the report is accessed. After a sprint has begun, adding, removing, or updating work items or point values will change the reported value. This includes sprints that have ended.
    • Stories Planned: The number of stories assigned to the sprint.
    • Stories Accepted: The number of accepted stories assigned to the sprint.
    • Defects Opened: The number of open defects assigned to the sprint.
    • Defect Closed: The number of closed defects assigned to the sprint.
    • Story Splits: The number of stories assigned to the sprint that were split.
    • Meetings Missed: The number of team meetings that were not started during the sprint.
    • Hours Not Burned: The sum of hours remaining from tasks associated with stories in the sprint.
    • The team delivered # out of # committed user stories totaling # of # points accepted: Compares both the count of stories and sum of LOE points accepted vs the count of stories and sum of LOE points planned in the sprint, prior to the sprint start date.
  • Weather Forecast: Set using the interactive Sprint Review meeting within Jira Align. 


How to interpret this report

The report should be viewed as a natural result of the sprint. It tells the story of the sprint, such as: Were commitments met? What was delivered? How is team velocity tracking? How is the team emotion trending? 

The burndown chart shows the trend of task hours remaining versus time left in the sprint; the task hours are on the vertical axis and time is on the horizontal axis. Try to work towards an ideal sprint burndown, represented by the blue line.

Use the results of the various charts and graphs to make corrections in the upcoming sprint. For example, you may need to adjust the amount of points/task hours in future sprints, or add more resources to increase velocity.

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