View the big picture with the vision report

The vision report balances intentions, aligns stakeholders, and defines what success looks like for the organization. It reflects customer and stakeholder needs, as well as the features and capabilities proposed to meet those needs. Continuously developing, maintaining, and communicating the vision is critical to creating a shared understanding of the goals and objectives within the organization.

Vision can apply to any level of SAFe. In Jira Align, you can create and share unified visions for programs, portfolios, or even a specific PI across the organization. There are four vision report types:

  • Product Vision. This vision is for each product line in the portfolio. You can provide a short summary of a product line and its value to a customer, the business value, and what you want to accomplish with this product line.
  • Program Increment Vision. This vision is achieved one PI at a time, for example, by implementing the top 10 features for the PI. To achieve this, Product Management constantly updates feature priorities and presents them to the team during PI planning. Only the teams can plan and commit to a course of action.
  • Program Vision. Each program will likely have its own vision, detailing the direction of capabilities. Product Management provides the specific program context and vision.
  • Operational Excellence Vision. This vision is a portfolio vision and sets a longer-term context. Solution Management presents a similar “Top 10” capabilities list during Pre-PI Planning to align the programs. Portfolio vision also reflects how the solution teams will cooperate to achieve the Enterprise objectives.

Benefits and key features:

  • Ensure all stakeholders understand the key vision for your product
  • Visually diagram and communicate your vision statement and core strategies
  • Multiple layouts, compact, and easy-to-read visualizations


Create a vision on the vision page:

  1. Select Portfolios in the top navigation bar and select the portfolio that you want to create a vision for.
  2. On the sidebar, select More items in the list of options.
  3. Select Vision; the vision page displays.

To create a vision:

  1. On the vision page, select the Create New button for the vision type you want to create.
  2. On the slide-out panel, type the vision's title for this product line, program, PI, or operational excellence.
  3. From the Products drop-down menu, select the products related to this vision.
    Note: Select programs for a Program Vision, PIs for a Program Increment Vision, and portfolios for an Operational Excellence Vision.
  4. Type the vision's short description.
  5. In the Version box, type the release version for this product line, program, PI, or operational excellence.
  6. This step applies only to the Operational Excellence Vision. Under Success Metrics:

    1. In the KPI Set 1 HeaderKPI Set 2 HeaderKPI Set 3 Header, and KPI Set 4 Header boxes, type a name to group your KPI sets. For example, speed or quality.
    2. For the KPI sets, select the necessary KPIs. To add a new KPI, click the green plus sign.
  7. Under Priority Visions, type the word Vision in the Priority 1 Title box, type the wider vision's description, and then select this item's color.
  8. In the Priority 2 Title box, type the vision statement (for example, weaknesses), its description, and then select this item's color.
  9. In the Priority 3 Title box, type another vision statement (for example, competitors), its description, and then select this item's color.
  10. Click the Add Vision button to add more vision statements to your vision map.
  11. Click Save & Close.

From the Vision page:

  • To edit the vision, click the vision name.
  • To open the vision map, click the eye icon next to the vision you want to open.
  • To delete the vision, point to the vision name, and then click the trash icon that appears.

Team roles

At the bottom of the vision's page, you can view a list of team roles. It lists the teams who will work to implement the vision. The teams appear based on the selected PIs.

Success metrics and definition of done

For the Operational Excellence Vision only, you can view added success metrics and the definition of done (story done, feature done, epic done, PSI done, PI done, and post PI done) at the bottom of the page. To create a definition of done, go to the definition of done page.

Toolbar options

You can use the following options on the toolbar to customize the vision:

  • Add Vision Statement. Add one more vision statement to your vision map. Click the added item to edit its title, description, and color.
  • View Configuration. Turn on or turn off the vision's version and description, vision map (vision display), or team roles at the bottom of the page (who is involved). Additionally, you can turn on theme cards for the Program Increment Vision and metric cards and completed work items for the Operational Excellence Vision.
  • Edit Vision. Edit the whole vision.


You can turn on or turn off certain vision statements, delete them, or move their position on the vision map by dragging them.


You can use the following layout for your vision map:

  • Bubbles
  • Squares
  • Pyramid


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