About this report
The program increment burnup by feature report shows the feature burnup for the PI, providing a detailed view, by feature, of work that has been accepted. A burnup chart shows how much work has been completed as well as the total amount of work. The accepted work is on the vertical axis and time is on the horizontal axis. This chart is especially useful for Portfolio Managers and Release Train Engineers for insight into the Teams' ability to deliver the in-scope features as planned. The display can be filtered by PI, program, release vehicle, product, theme group, and Scrum Masters/product owners.
Find this chart on the program increment progress report:
- Select Portfolios, Solutions, Programs, or Products in the top navigation bar and select the entity you want to view information about.
- On the sidebar, select Reports in the list of options.
- Select Program increment progress; the report displays.
- PI must exist in the system and be tied to a program.
- Features must be created and tied to the PI.
- Stories must be estimated with effort points and tied to features.
Note: If a feature has multiple program assignments, only the stories with a program that matches the sidebar selection are included in the report.
How are report values calculated?
- Start Date = Start Date of the PI.
- End Date = Finish Date of PI plus one day (for example, the chart for a PI ending on August 1 will end at August 2).
- Scope = Sum of all Effort Points on child stories of features on each day of the report Time period.
- Accepted = Sum of all Effort Points on accepted child stories of accepted features on each day of the report time period.
- Value Points Accepted = Sum of all Value Points on accepted child stories of accepted features on each day of the report time period.
- Predicted = Predicted trend upward of Effort Points on accepted stories. The Predicted daily burn rate is calculated based on the sum of all scrum (Agile-type) teams in the programs’ average velocities during their last 5 completed sprints.
Note: For detailed information on the Predicted daily burn rate, as well as the underlying team velocities used in the calculation, select the Burn Details button at the top-right of the report. - Optimistic = Predicted Trend * 1.2
- Pessimistic = Predicted Trend * 0.8
- Hovering your cursor over the Scope line will display detailed data in the following intervals, depending on the range of dates displayed in the chart. These intervals are enforced to ensure good chart performance:
- Date range <= 60 days: Intervals provided daily.
- Date range <= 12 months: Intervals provided weekly.
- Date range <= 60 months: Intervals provided monthly.
- Date range <= 120 months: Intervals provided quarterly.
- Date range > 120 months: Intervals provided yearly.
- The Scope line uses historical data snapshots, which may cause data to appear inflated after a deletion or reassignment. For example, If a story is present on May 5, then moved to the recycle bin on May 6, the scope line will display that story's points when viewing May 5. This can happen when changing any data that the chart is using to filter, such as program, release vehicle, and product.
- Effort and Value points for a feature are credited on the day the feature is accepted. Only Effort and Value points of accepted stories will be credited.
- If there are un-estimated child stories, those stories are not reflected in the scope or accepted numbers, as they do not have any points allocated to them.
- The Program Increment Burnup by Feature will show the aggregated accepted story point totals of stories tied to the same PI selected Misaligned stories associated with a different PI are not included.
- If effort points are added or removed during the PI, the scope line will adjust upwards or downwards accordingly.
- If the accepted line is trending upwards slower than the Program Increment Burnup by Story accepted line, this is because stories are being accepted, but the parent feature is not being accepted. This indicates working on too many features at once without completing them, and/or orphaned stories being accepted that have no parent feature. Use the Work in Process report and the Work Tree report to identify these two issues.
How to interpret this report
This burnup chart shows a detailed view, by feature, of what is accepted: LOE (orange line) or LOV (purple line). The blue line shows how overall scope changed during the PI. If the PI is not yet finished, you will see three projected lines on the end of the orange accepted line—these predict normal, optimistic, and pessimistic trends for acceptance for the remainder of the PI based on previous acceptance rate. Use this chart to understand if you have too much scope in the PI (the orange line) to be able to finish on time. If the predictor lines do not approach the top of the orange line, you may need to decrease scope for the PI.
- If filtering by a release vehicle, the start and end dates of the x-axis will match the release vehicle
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