Work items in the backlog can either be assigned or unassigned. For example, stories can be assigned to a sprint or unassigned; features can be assigned to a program increment or unassigned; and defects can be assigned to a team or unassigned.
In Jira Align, it is easy to access unassigned backlog items and load them into sprints, program increments, or teams:
- While in the Backlog module, at any work item level, select the Unassigned Backlog button on the toolbar. The Unassigned Backlog panel displays.
- Dag and drop a work item from the Unassigned Backlog panel to any program increment, sprint, or team available in the backlog work space.
- Right-click the item you want to move in the Unassigned Backlog panel, select Move To Program Increment from the right-click menu, and then select the necessary program increment. (Epics and features will have the Move To Program Increment option; stories will have the Move to Sprint option; and defects will have the Move to Team option.)
Note: To select more than one item at a time, press and hold the Ctrl (for Windows) or Command (for Mac) key while clicking the items' names.
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