Stories: additional options

Open a story's slide-out details panel where you can view the following additional options:

  • Discussions: A chat around a story. You can use the discussions to resolve any questions around a story’s development or leave comments on a story. Use the @ symbol to tag users or the whole team and notify them about the discussion.
  • Subscribe: Subscribe to a story to receive email notifications about any changes made to it.
  • Responsibility Matrix: With a responsibility assignment matrix, you can notify people within your organization when work items reach certain process steps so the necessary team members can take action on those items.
  • Requirement Hierarchy: In the requirement hierarchy tree, you can view the story’s position in a hierarchy between themes, capabilities, epics, and features.
  • Audit Log: A history of the updates made to a story by date.
  • Review Stories: Anytime a product owner or other stakeholder wants to gather feedback or facilitate conversation regarding a story, a Story Review can take place. The story review can help identify minor changes required by the product owner which can be implemented within the current sprint itself and delivered at the end of the sprint, provided all acceptance criteria are met, as well as the definition of done.
  • Trace This Story: The Trace report shows all relationships associated with a particular item. Follow the arrows to understand the relationships. You can also click any item's ID to view its details.
  • Kanban Board: Add To Board Column: Add a story to a certain Kanban board. Click this option, and then select a board and a column on the board. Here, backlog and archive are also listed as column options. The card added to the Kanban board is assigned to the owner of the item by default. If the owner of the item is not among the users of the Kanban board, the card is unassigned.
  • Print: Use this option to print a snapshot of a story with its main details, associated tasks, acceptance criteria, estimated time, and other.
  • More Options: Story management options, such as splitting, delegating, merging, deleting, canceling, dropping, state changing, or copying a story.
  • Links: Any external links you want to associate with a story. You can add design, approval, compliance, or other types of links.

See also:

Create Stories

Manage Stories

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