SSO implementation workflow


Customer to provide

Jira Align to provide

  • Test instance of Identity Provider* (IP-Test)
  • Production instance of Identity Provider (IP-Prod)
  • Test instance of Jira Align (AC-Test)
  • Production version of Jira Align (AC-Prod)

* The Identity Provider is the Single Sign-On mechanism utilized for the end users at the customer's site. Examples of these solutions are Enterprise Directory, CA SiteMinder, and Microsoft ADFS.

To set up the workflow:

  1. Identify an administrator or architect for an Identity Provider.
  2. Identity Decision:
    a. Determine a unique identity mechanism to pass to the Jira Align application.
    Note: Descriptions of mechanisms are described in this guide.

  3. Set up the test environments:
    a. The Identity Provider administrator enables the Jira Align application within the configuration.
    Note: Both the response and the assertion must be signed.
    b. The Jira Align administrator sets the Identity Provider metadata in the Jira Align administration UI.

  4. Validation of IP-Test to AC-Test
    Note: The AC-Test instance will not have any secure customer data. This instance is for the configuration purposes only.

  5. Set up production environments:
    a. The Identity Provider administrator enables the Jira Align application within the configuration.
    b. The Jira Align administrator sets the Identity Provider metadata in the Jira Align administration UI.

  6. Validation of test to production (Optional)
    This step depends on the timing of the roll out for Jira Align and testing requirements from the Identity Management team at the customer’s site.

  7. Validation of IP-Prod to AC-Prod


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