Functional maps

A functional map is a graphical representation of a process, service, product, or system architecture. It contains a hierarchy of nodes, which can be linked to features to define business value. Functional maps can help improve efficiency, identify relationships, and avoid bottlenecks; they are also used to document and speed up project design, visually communicate concepts, and assist in decision making.


Create a functional map

Create a functional map on the functional maps page:

  1. Select Programs in the top navigation bar and select the program you want to view a functional map for.
  2. On the sidebar, select Reports in the list of page options.
  3. Select Functional maps; the functional maps page displays.

To create a functional map, follow these steps:

  1. On the functional maps page, select the Add Functional Map button on the top-right of the page; the New Functional Map panel displays.
  2. Enter a Name and Description for the functional map in the corresponding fields, and then click the Save button.
  3. An additional field displays where you can assign target Programs to the functional map. Click Save and Close when complete; the new functional map is now listed in the functional maps grid.
  4. In the functional maps grid, click the View Functional Map icon Functional_Map_Open.png to open the canvas/workspace where you can build your visualization. The canvas contains one starting node by default, the parent node, containing the name and description of the functional map.


  5. Click the + icon in the upper-right of the node to add a child node. The child node displays below the parent node, joined by a connector; it is given a default name of New [date/time stamp] and a default node ID number (upper left).


  6. Click on the child node's name to open the New Node panel, where you can edit the node's parameters.
  7. Provide a new Name for the node and a Description in the corresponding fields.
  8. Use the Done drop-down menu to indicate if the node is done (complete) or open.
  9. Use the MMF drop-down menu to indicate if the node is a Minimum Marketable Feature (MMF), the smallest unit of functionality with intrinsic market value.
  10. Use the Parent drop-down to select the parent node for this child node.
  11. Finally, use the Select Features field to tie the node to Jira Align features; one or multiple features can be selected.
  12. Click Save and Close; the child node is updated in the workspace.
  13. Repeat the previous 8 steps as many times as needed to add and edit additional child nodes, to build your complete visualization.

You can highlight specific nodes by using the Highlight Options filter on the top-right of the page; you can filter the nodes by program. 


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