Program velocity (portfolio program predictability report)

About this report

The program velocity (portfolio program predictability report) shows the velocity, by Level of Effort (LOE) points, completed for the sprints across a PI, organized by programs. The report displays the data in the form of an area chart. The LOE point range is on the Y axis, and the sprints are on the X axis. This report is designed to give a Portfolio Manager or Release Train Engineer a high-level view of program predictability to see if group velocity is consistent and computable. This report is generated by selecting a target PI and program, or by selecting a target PI and portfolio (which will create individual charts for each program in the portfolio).

Select the Extra Configs button on the top-right of the page to filter the velocity by selected Scrum Masters or product owners.

To navigate to this report:

  1. Select Portfolios in the top navigation bar and select the portfolio you want to view information about.
  2. On the sidebar, select Reports in the list of options.
  3. Select Portfolio program predictability report; the report displays.


  1. Portfolio must exist in the system.
  2. Program must exist in the system and be tied to the portfolio.
  3. PI must exist in the system and be tied to a program. 
  4. Sprints must be created and tied to the PI. 
  5. Teams must exist in the system and be tied to a program.
  6. Stories must be created and tied to the program and teams; LOE points must be assigned and tracked for the stories.
  7. Optional: Scrum Masters and/or product owner roles exist in the system and are tied to teams. 

How are report values calculated? 

  • Group Velocity = Sum of all Level of Effort Points on accepted stories for all teams participating in the PI, for each sprint. LOE points are entered for stories via the Story Grid/New Story panel.

How to interpret this report

It is a common misconception that velocity should continually increase. The sign of a healthy, stable development organization is that velocity remains consistent. If you see many peaks and valleys, this may point to team instability (for example, engaging members in other work continuously) or that work has been estimated inaccurately (whether the stories are too large or estimates are wrong).

If there are wide fluctuations in the group velocity, that indicates a poor level of predictability in scope of work that can be expected to be delivered. An ideal group velocity remains consistent so that workloads can be accurately planned, assigned, and throttled.

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