Delete and restore backlog work items


You can delete the work items you do not need anymore. Deleted items can be restored from the recycle bin. If you restore an item, only the item is restored and not its child items. After you have restored an item, check the audit log which will show you when it was deleted and also a string of the child items that were deleted. You can then restore each child item if needed. You can also permanently delete the items from the recycle bin.

To effectively manage your work process, you can delete several items at once and restore them if necessary. Only a Super Admin can perform the mass delete. If you delete a working item, all its child items are also deleted.

As an example, this topic describes the procedure of deleting and restoring stories, but you can also use the following procedures for epics, capabilities, features, tasks, and defects.

Important: You cannot mass delete tasks and defects.

Delete or restore stories from the stories page:

  1. Select Teams in the top navigation bar and select the team you want to view stories for.
  2. On the sidebar, select Stories in the list of options; the stories page displays.

To permanently delete or restore a story:

  1. On the stories page, select Access Recycle Bin from the More Actions menu on the toolbar (top-right of the page).
  2. From the Item drop-down menu, select Story.
  3. From the Program and Program Increment drop-down menus, select the program and PI to which the stories belong.
  4. Select the check boxes of the stories you want to permanently delete or restore, or select the check box in the header to select all stories.
  5. Click Permanently Delete or Restore, depending on what you need to do.
  6. Close the dialog box.

To mass delete stories:

  1. On the stories page, select Mass Move from the More Actions menu on the toolbar (top-right of the page).
  2. On the Mass Move page, click the Mass Delete View button in the upper-right corner.
  3. From the Object drop-down menu, select Story.
  4. From the Program Increment and Program drop-down menus, select the PI and program to which the stories belong.
  5. Select the check boxes of the stories you want to delete or click Check all to select all stories.
  6. Click Move to Recycle Bin, and then click Continue in the confirmation message.
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