Manage Jira multi-program features

If teams from different programs work on the same feature in Jira, you can specify this in Jira Align to ensure proper data representation from strategy (in Jira Align) to execution (in Jira). These features are called multi-program features.

Manage Jira multi-program features on the features page:

  1. Select Portfolios, Solutions, Programs, or Teams in the top navigation bar and select the entity you want to view features for.
  2. On the sidebar, select Features in the list of options; the features page displays.

To manage Jira multi-program features:

  1. On the features page, select the name of the feature.
  2. From the Approach drop-down menu, select Multi-Program Feature.
  3. Select the Filter Jira Projects box, and then select the programs to which the teams that work on the feature belong. The list includes all programs in Jira Align that have Jira projects.
    Note: The Filter Jira Projects box appears only if you select Multi-Program Feature from the Approach drop-down menu.
  4. Select the Jira Projects box, and then select the Jira projects, which work on the feature. The Jira projects are filtered according to the selected programs and are grouped in the list by those programs.
    Note: You can select the Jira logo next to the Jira Projects box to view the Jira issues created by this feature and issues no longer associated to this feature. Select the link in the dialog box to go directly to Jira.
  5. Select Save & Close.

If a feature in Jira Align is created as a single-program feature, but in Jira this feature is associated to a story that belongs to another Jira project (this project/team belongs to another Jira Align program), the feature automatically becomes a multi-program feature.

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