Set up an innovation tournament

You should answer the initial questions to start the tournament setup process. Next, you should assign the tournament participants and countries. Users can be entered multiple times and will be required to act for each country assigned.

Set up innovation tournaments on the innovation page:

  1. Select Strategy in the top navigation bar.
  2. On the sidebar, select More items in the list of options.
  3. Select Innovation; the innovation page displays.

To set up a tournament:

  1. On the innovation page, select the Start A Tournament button on the toolbar (top-right of the page).
  2. On the New Tournament Setup slide-out panel,  type the tournament title in the Tournament Name box.
  3. In the Problem Description box, type a brief description of the issue that participants should discuss and solve.
  4. From the # of Participants drop-down menu, select the number of people to take part in the tournament. The following options are available: 16 person tournament, 8 person tournament, and 4 person tournament.
  5. From the Scheduled Rounds drop-down menu, select the number of rounds to play. The following options are available: 1, 2, and 4.
  6. From the corresponding drop-down menus, select judge 1 and judge 2 to monitor and judge the competition.
  7. From the Tournament Type drop-down menu, select the tournament type that suits best the described problem. The following options are available: Brainstorming, Best Idea, and Democratic.
  8. From the Duration drop-down menu, select the period of running the tournament in weeks. The following options are available: 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  9. Click Save. New fields appear.
  10. From the corresponding drop-down menus, select a player and a team.
  11. Click Save Player Setup.

All players and judges of the tournament are sent invitations to participate in the innovation tournament.

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