You can estimate stories by selecting value and effort points manually one by one or by playing effort and value poker.
Estimate stories from the stories page:
- Select Teams in the top navigation bar and select the team you want to view stories for.
- On the sidebar, select Stories in the list of page options; the stories page displays.
- Select Portfolios, Solutions, or Programs in the top navigation bar and select the entity you want to view stories for.
- On the sidebar, select More items in the list of options.
- Select Stories; the stories page displays, filtered by the selected entity.
To estimate a story:
- On the stories page, select Estimation from the More Actions menu on the toolbar (top-right of the page); the story estimation page displays.
- From the corresponding dropdowns, select the necessary PI, program, team, and sprint.
- From the corresponding dropdowns, select value and effort point estimates for each story.
Note: To access the story estimation page, you must have the Team > Manage > Estimation permission enabled for your system role.
For more information on planning poker, see the Configure estimation and Monte Carlo simulation settings section.
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