Kanban board actions

You can arrange and manage the items on the Kanban board according to your daily progress. Click any team member icon to filter the board to just the items owned by that team member. Or, click Reset User Filter to see all cards again.

WIP limit

Next to the triple line icon, you can see the WIP section that shows the number of cards in the column and the WIP limit number for that column, for example, 2/12. You can also point to the triple line icon to see the WIP limit for that column. If WIP overriding is allowed, when you move a card to a column and the WIP is exceeded, the column turns orange and you are asked to provide a reason for overriding WIP limits.

Triple icon menu

  • Move All Items To. Click to move all items to either backlog, archive, or another column. Once your stories are completed and accepted and the sprint is over, you can move your cards to the archive. To move a card from one column to another, just drag the card to the desired column. You can add cards to the Backlog tab that are not ready to be put on the board or drag cards to the Backlog directly from the board. Click the Backlog tab on the left to open it.
  • Assign User. Assign team members to the column.
  • Waiting List. Set the card to waiting or disable waiting.
  • Setup Workflow. Notify users about changes associated with that column. From the Notify drop-down menu, you can select whom you want to notify: a card owner, a card assignee, the whole team, or a team member of a certain team. You can also select multiple options here. In the CC List box, type the email addresses of other people you want to notify. Write an accompanying message and save your changes. If you want to remove your workflow, click the Remove Workflow button, and then click OK in the confirmation message.

Actions menu

  • Card Details. Click the Actions gear icon in the lower-right corner of the card. Directly from here you can edit the card and view the card's details.

Tip: You can also double-click the card to display the card's details.

    • Summary. Clicking the item's title brings the item's page itself, where you can view and edit it. On the story cards, you can also set LOE and LOV. The values are based on the estimation system selected in the Configuration section.
    • More Fields. You can add and edit Start Date and Finish Date. If you pass the Finish Date, additional warnings appear. Click Add Dependency To Parent Feature to add a dependency directly from a story. This opens a new page with the feature preselected based on the story settings. If a parent feature does not have a selected PI, nothing is preselected on the New Dependency page. If a story is not assigned to a feature, this option is unavailable.
    • Analytics. Analytic data is viewed during the meeting.
    • Defects. Defects appear here if they are tied to the item. Click the defect’s title to open it in a new window, where you can view and edit the defect. It also works for defects tracked in third-party products.

Almost all cards share the same tabs, except for stories, features, capabilities, and epics. They have additional tabs that are not available on all other cards:

    • Acceptance. Search for, view, and add acceptance criteria for an epic, a capability, a feature, or a story.
    • Test Plan. View story and feature acceptance criteria and the list of stories belonging to this feature.
  • Color. Select a particular color for the cards.
  • Card Type. Select the type of your card from the following:
    • Expedite/Hot. Expedite card is used when a team needs to deal with the urgent work. If the card is expedite, the team may ignore the WIP limit.
    • Default Card. Regular card.
  • Block. Define if the card is blocked.
  • Ready To Move. Define if the card is ready to move.
  • Copy & Create Card. Copy and create a card with the same details.
    • Story card. To copy a story, you need to click Copy & Create Card, type the name of the new card, and then click Copy. The new card appears below the old one in the same column. When a story card is copied, a new story is created.
    • Custom card. Click Copy & Create Card and your new custom card appears below the old one in the same column.


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