Jira integration data collection

Ensure you have completed all steps in Jira integration prerequisites before proceeding.
Note: You can download an Excel spreadsheet of all of the tables in this article here.

Jira projects and boards

1. Create a list of Jira Project Keys and Jira Project Names that you plan to synchronize to Jira Align. Determine to which Program/Release Train each Jira project maps.  Please note each Jira Project can only be mapped to one Jira Align Program due to the Jira Align data model which associates Jira Projects to Jira Align Programs.

To find a Jira Project Key:
When logged into Jira, select your project, and then look at the URL. In the URL, you can find the Project Key: https://your_jira_name.net/projects/PROJECTKEY/


Project Key

Project Name

Program/Release Train Name

 (e.g. MDP)

 (e.g. ) Mobile Delivery Platform

 (e.g. Mobile Release Train)



2. For each project above, create a list of Jira Agile Board IDs, which are in the URL for the board, that you plan to synchronize to Jira Align (for example, RapidView=38). Determine to which Program in Jira Align each Jira board will map and specify a friendly name for the Team to create.

To find a Jira RapidView ID:
When logged into Jira, select your project, and then go to Board/Backlog/Sprints (or select your board from the board list). Next, look at the URL to find the RapidView ID:


Board ID

Team Name


 (e.g. 123)

 (e.g. Superheroes)

 (e.g. Mobile Release Train)



3. If you use a filter to determine what issues appear on the Backlog portion of the Jira Agile Board, record the field name that does the board assignment (a custom drop-down menu or a label in Jira). This might be different for each Jira project being mapped.

Jira Project

Dropdown menu or Label

Field Name

JA Team Name

Value to set in Jira









4. Run JET (available in the Atlassian Marketplace) for the boards you wish to integrate. Your Jira Align Solutions Architect will assist. JET will help determine how your boards and sprints should be configured and optimized for the integration, as well as provide some useful metrics about the cleanliness of your data in Jira.

5. Determine the start date (how far back in time) from which you want to import data. This will determine how many historical Program Increments you need to set up in Jira Align.

Date to import from:


Jira custom field IDs and issue type names

1. Record the Issue Type Names for company-managed projects in the table below. This is a word, not a number, see the example screenshot.

2. Record the Issue Type IDs for your company-managed projects in the table below. To find the Issue Type IDs, follow the instructions outlined here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/finding-the-id-for-issue-types-646186508.html

Jira Issue Type

Your Issue Type Name (e.g. Task)

Your Issue Type ID (e.g. 10000)





Five-digit issue type ID number and name from Jira for Epic.

* If you’re using Jira Data Center and can’t find an issue type called Epic, the issue type name may have been changed.



  Five-digit issue type ID number and name from Jira for Story.



  Five-digit issue type ID number and name from Jira for Sub-Task (or Task).




Five-digit issue type ID number and field name from Jira for Bug/Defect.


3. Record the Custom Field names and ID numbers in the tables below. The quickest way to collect the Custom Field IDs is to open the Advanced Issue Search in Jira and start typing the field name. This will show you the Custom Field number as shown in the screenshot below.




Custom Field Purpose

Your Custom Field Name (e.g. Points)

Your Custom Field ID (e.g. customfield_10000)


Epic name


Five-digit custom field ID number and field name from Jira for EpicName.

Epic ID link


  Five-digit custom field ID number and field name from Jira for EpicLink or EpicIDLink.

Story points



Five-digit custom field ID number and field name from Jira for Story Points.

Sprint ID

    Five-digit custom field ID number and field name from Jira for SprintID.

Accepted date



The field name of the value/flag set when a user completes the workflow on an item by clicking the DONE button on the issue screen.

* This one can be tricky to find as it is called Accepted, AcceptedDate, ResolutionDate, Resolution, or Resolved depending on the version of Jira being used and any customizations that may have been made.



  Five-digit custom field ID number and field name from Jira for Rank.


Additional fields for company-managed projects

These fields may be used with Jira Align and Jira integration if created.

Custom Field Purpose

Your Custom Field Name (e.g. Points)

Your Custom Field ID (e.g. customfield_10000)


Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and field name from Jira for Blocked for Jira Align features. This field is commonly called Flagged in Jira.

Business driver    

Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and field name from Jira for Business driver for Jira Align features.


Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and field name from Jira for Capitalized for Jira Align features.


Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and field name from Jira for Category for Jira Align features.

Feature points    

Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and field name from Jira for Feature Points.


Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and name from Jira for Team.

Note: Jira Align supports syncing this information with either a custom field of your choice or using the API 2.0 to sync with your Jira instances’s built-in team field (the Atlassian Teams field for Jira cloud or Shared Teams for Jira Data Center). Regardless of method, the field’s ID is required to set up syncing this information.
If you choose to sync this information with your Jira instance’s built-in team field, make sure to complete data collection to set up the mapping, described in Step 3a of this article.

Deleted item status    

Optional: The Status value from Jira which will result in items being permanently deleted from Jira. Use the format 12345 when filling in the Custom Field ID.

* Do not use this if you want to use the recycle bin (two-stage delete) process in Jira Align.

** Regulated industry customers may have processes to support requirements around who may delete items from production/ production support/development systems.

MMF     Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and name from Jira for MMF.
Product     Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and name from Jira for Product for Jira Align features.

Feature portfolio ask date


Optional: Five-digit custom date picker field ID number and name from Jira for Portfolio Ask date for Jira Align features.

Feature start / initiation date


Optional: Five-digit custom date picker field ID number and name from Jira for Start / Initiation date for Jira Align features.

Feature target completion date


Optional: Five-digit custom date picker field ID number and name from Jira for Target Completion date for Jira Align features.

Why? details


Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and name from Jira for Portfolio Ask date for information from Jira Align's Why panel. Use the following format: customfield_123. This is a PUSH ONLY from Jira Align to Jira. The field in Jira must be read-only. Some Jira configurations may make the Why field appear editable, but any changes made will be overwritten on the next sync with Jira Align.

Parent feature name    

Optional: Five-digit custom field number and name from Jira for a parent item for Jira Align features (either an Jira Align capability or epic).

This is a PUSH ONLY from Jira Align to Jira. The field in Jira must be non-editable by anyone except admin/Jira Align integration role.

Jira Align PI    

Optional: Five-digit custom field number and name from Jira for Jira Align Program Increment.

This is a PUSH ONLY from Jira Align to Jira. The Jira field must be non-editable by anyone except admin/Jira Align integration role.


    Optional: Five-digit custom field number and name from Jira for T-shirt sizing.
This is a PUSH ONLY from Jira Align to Jira. The Jira field should be a select list (single option) field.
Capability parent    

Optional: Five-digit custom field number and name from Jira for a capability’s parent epic, to display on Jira Align features where capabilities are enabled.

This is a PUSH ONLY from Jira Align to Jira. The Jira field must be non-editable by anyone except admin/Jira Align integration role.

Work code (features only)


Optional: Five-digit custom field number and name from Jira for a work code on Jira Align features.

Acceptance criteria     Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and name from Jira for Acceptance Criteria.
Type (features only)    

Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and name from Jira for Type on Jira Align features.

Priority (features only)    

Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and name from Jira for Priority on Jira Align features.

Text input custom fields    

Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and name from Jira for a text input custom field you’d like to sync on Jira Align features.

Duplicate this row to add information about additional text input custom fields.

Single-select dropdown custom fields    

Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and name from Jira for a single-select dropdown custom field you’d like to sync on Jira Align features.

Duplicate this row to add information about additional single-select dropdown custom fields.

a. If you plan to sync team information with your Jira instance’s built-in teams field, create a list of Jira and Jira Align team information you’ll use later to set up the team mapping with the API 2.0. You may need the assistance of your organization’s Jira API user to collect this information and set up team mappings later.

  • For Jira Cloud, the individual team ID can be found at the end of the URL when viewing the team’s Atlas page. You may need to add Atlas to your Jira Cloud instance if it’s not added already.
    Jira team ID in Atlas URL.png
    Alternatively, use the Jira API to send a POST gateway/api/v4/teams/search call to return a list of all teams, including their IDs. Replace the organization ID and site ID with your own instance’s organization ID and site ID:
"organizationId": "9390b32a-83f9-4f04-95fd-1dd0899b5183",
"query": "",
"siteId": "71f9dfd8-8fe7-4b2d-aeaa-d5e88b461f54",
"sortBy": null
  • For Jira Data Center, the Jira team IDs can be found under Plans > Manage Shared Teams:
    1. Right-click the table of shared teams and select Inspect to open the developer console.
    2. Select the Network tab.
    3. Refresh the page and select find on the left of the developer console. The list of shared team information will display on the right, with the id parameter listing a team’s ID.
      Highlighted location of team ID in the network tab of the developer console.png

Jira team name (e.g. Superheroes)

Jira team ID
(e.g. 2c6d6e42-bc7b-4fb0-bf62-645293f675a4 for Jira Cloud; 99 for Jira Data Center)

Jira Align team name
(e.g. Superheroes)

Jira Align team ID
(e.g. 1234)


4. Create a list of custom issue types (anything that is not an epic, story, or bug) that you want to synchronize with Jira Align stories in your company-managed projects. These issue types will synchronize to Jira Align as stories with a specific type.

Custom Issue Type

Your Issue Type Name (e.g. Spike Story)

Your Issue Type ID (e.g. 10000)

Intended Use


5. Create a list of custom issue types (anything that is not an epic, story, or bug) that you want to synchronize with Jira Align features in your company-managed projects. These issue types will synchronize to Jira Align as features with a specific type.

Custom Issue Type

Your Issue Type Name (e.g. Spike Story)

Your Issue Type ID (e.g. 10000)

Intended Use


6. Create lists for team-managed projects of the issue type names and IDs in the tables below. The IDs for each issue type are specific to each individual project, so create a separate list for each team-managed project.

You can locate individual issue type IDs for team-managed projects on the project's Project Settings > Issue Types page by hovering over the issue type name on the left-hand sidebar. The ID is the five-digit number at the end of the URL on the lower-left of the page.


Jira Issue Type

Your Issue Type Name (e.g. Task)

Your Issue Type ID (e.g. 10000)




  Five-digit issue type ID number and name from Jira for Epic.



  Five-digit issue type ID number and name from Jira for Story.



  Five-digit issue type ID number and name from Jira for Sub-Task (or Task).




Five-digit issue type ID number and field name from Jira for Bug/Defect.


Additional fields for team-managed projects

These fields may be used with Jira Align and Jira integration if created.

Custom Field Purpose

Your Custom Field Name (e.g. Points)

Your Custom Field ID (e.g. customfield_10000)


Story points


Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and field name from Jira for Story Points.

Parent feature name



Optional: Five-digit custom field number and name from Jira for a parent item for Jira Align features (either a Jira Align capability or epic).

This is a PUSH ONLY from Jira Align to Jira. The field in Jira must be non-editable by anyone except admin/Jira Align integration role.

Capability parent



Optional: Five-digit custom field number and name from Jira for a capability’s parent epic, to display on Jira Align features where capabilities are enabled.

This is a PUSH ONLY from Jira Align to Jira. The field in Jira must be non-editable by anyone except admin/Jira Align integration role.

Program increment text field


Optional: Five-digit custom text field number and name from Jira for Jira Align Program Increment.

This is a PUSH ONLY from Jira Align to Jira. The Jira field must be non-editable by anyone except admin/Jira Align integration role.

Acceptance criteria



Optional: Five-digit custom field ID number and name from Jira for Acceptance Criteria.

Feature portfolio ask date



Optional: Five-digit custom date picker field ID number and name from Jira for Portfolio Ask date for Jira Align features.

Feature start / initiation date



Optional: Five-digit custom date picker field ID number and name from Jira for Start / Initiation date for Jira Align features.

Feature target completion date



Optional: Five-digit custom date picker field ID number and name from Jira for Target Completion date for Jira Align features.

7. Create a list of Link Actions. Link Actions may be imported from Jira and converted into dependencies in Jira Align.

Link Name (e.g. Blocked by)

Issue Link Type ID (e.g. 10000)

Intended Use


8. Determine if the following fields are required on work items.


Required on Epic (Yes/No)

Required on Story (Yes/No)

Required on Defect (Yes/No)

Points on epic?    N/A N/A
Is Team required when an item is created?      
Is Reporter required when an item is created?      
Sync State bidirectionally?      
Sync Work Item bidirectionally?      
Sync Rank bidirectionally?     N/A


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